Recent Researches in Space Station

The International Space Station is the most expensive laboratory in the world. It has more than twenty years of operation. The tests and experiments conducted in the ISS has provided insights into the effect of microgravity on human body and other interesting things.

The regeneration ability of stem cell  during spaceflight

Any organ can be regenerated using stem cells. The stem cells are found in embryos and adults. An experiment in ISS showed that stem cells from human heart survived, regenerated and proliferated in weightless environment.

Performing work outs in space improves bone quality

The astronauts suffer from bone loss during their stay in space. However, this can be avoided by performing regular exercises in space. Also, it was found that bone loss in astronauts can be predicted through the elevation of certain biomarkers.

Microbes can bio – mine in space

The microbial organisms such as bacteria, fungi and virus can extract metals from martian rocks and lunar surfaces. The name of the experiment that proved this is “BIOROCK”. The microbes extracted 283% more Vanadium on the space station than on the earth. Bio – mining is more environment friendly and also cheaper.

Mysterious weather phenomena

The instrument called ASIM (Atmosphere Space Interaction Monitor) shed light on generation of terrestrial gamma rays. It accompanies lightning and is highly energetic. It also made new discovery on Blue Jets. Blue jets are lightning bursts that shoot upwards. They are generated by charged particles on the top of the clouds. ASIM recently found that the blue color of the nitrogen ions can shoot up to 50 kilometres per second.

Cement making is possible

The experiment called MICS created cement in space. MICS is Microgravity Investigation of Cement Solidification. The experiment proved that cement making is possible in space.

Reducing radiation exposure

The mineral called Colemanite is capable of protecting the astronauts from space radiation. It is boron rich mineral.



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