Rashtriya Jal Jeevan Kosh

The Rashtriya Jal Jeevan Kosh was launched by PM Modi in October 2021. It was launched on October 2nd (birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi).

About the Scheme

Under the scheme, any individual philanthropist, corporate, living in India or abroad can contribute to provide tap water connection to anganwadi, rural household, school, asramshala.

What are the objectives of the scheme?

  • To join the efforts that are already implemented under Jal Jeevan Mission. The Jal Jeevan Mission aims to provide tap water to schools, rural homes, anganwadi centres, health cum wellness centres and tribal residential schools.
  • It aims to promote research and development, use of technology and innovation in ensuring tap water to rural households.
  • Also, the scheme aims to improve the water capacity of the local village community. It will encourage the village communities to plan, manage, implement and maintain their water supply schemes.
  • The scheme also aims to promote water conservation efforts, strengthen drinking water sources and increase grey water treatment.

What is the need for the scheme?

  • India has only 4% of world’s fresh water. But it has to cater 17% of world population. According to NITI Aayog, India is facing the worst water crisis. 45% of population in India are facing high to severe water stress.
  • In Kerala, people fetch drinking water from well. In Meghalaya, people fetch drinking water from streams.
  • The global norm for water stress situation is 1700 cubic meres. On the other hand, in India, the water availability is 5,000 cubic metres per capita per year.

What are the challenges?

  • Population Explosion
  • There prevails inefficient collection of water in India. Also, there is inefficient use of water in the country.

How to fix the obstacles in the path of the scheme?

The irrigation and cropping pattern should be reworked. The environmental regulations should be revamped and water should be priced correctly.

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