Oceanography - Ocean Temperature, Density, Salinity

Which among the following seas is known for highest salinity?
With reference to the temperature of the oceans, it has been noted that there is a very low decrease of temperature with increasing latitudes towards north in comparison to the southern Atlantic. What could be the possible reason for this?
Which among the following is not a major determinant of Ocean temperature?
Which among the following statements is/are correct about Ocean Temperature?
  1. The surface temperature of the oceans declines from the equator towards the poles.
  2. The oceans of the Southern are warmer than that of the Northern Oceans.
Select the correct code from the options given below:
Which among the following statements is/are correct about Ocean Temperature?
  1. The density of waters varies from latitude to latitude.
  2. In the areas of high salinity, the ocean waters are of a relatively lower temperature and vice versa.
Select the correct code from the options given below: