Modern Indian History MCQs

Multiple choice questions on Modern Indian History & Freedom Struggle for General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations.These questions are part of GKToday’s 35000+ MCQs Bank Course in GKToday Android App

1. Who was called “Liberator of India Press”?
[A] Lord William Bentinck
[B] Sir Charles Metcalfe
[C] Lord Auckland
[D] Lord Ellenborough

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2. Who among the following was the socialist leader, who escaped from the Hazaribagh Prison and joined the Quit India Movement?
[A] Ram Manohar Lohia
[B] Minoo Masani
[C] Jayprakash Narayan
[D] Achyut Patwardhan

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3. The national anthem of India ‘Jana Gana Mana’ was first sung at __?
[A] Calcutta, 1911
[B] Calcutta, 1912
[C] Delhi, 1911
[D] Mumbai, 1912

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4. Who among the following is said to have hatched the Delhi Conspiracy 1912?
[A] Rasbehari Bose
[B] Bhai Paramanand
[C] Sachindranath Sanyal
[D] Sohan Lal Pathak

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5. Who among the following was not one of the founding fathers of the All India Muslim League ?
[A] Nawab Moshin-ul-Mulk
[B] Maulana Abul KalamAzad
[C] Aga Khan
[D] Nawab Salimullah of Dacca

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6. Identify the renowned declaration that aimed to incorporate Indians incrementally into every division of the administration and gradually develop self-governing institutions for the progressive realization of responsible government in India as an integral part of the British Empire?
[A] Montague declaration
[B] August Offer
[C] Queen Victoria’s Proclamation
[D] None of them

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7. Collection of land revenue through Zamindars on behalf of the east India Company was called as __?
[A] Land Reforms
[B] Jageerdari
[C] Permanent settlement
[D] Ryotwari

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8. Which among the following was the source of money for “Clive Fund“?
[A] His salary and emoluments in the East India Company
[B] Money earned by him as gifts and bribes from the Indians
[C] Money left by Mir Jafar for him as Gift
[D] Money confiscated from the Beghum of Nawab of Awadh

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9. Which combination correctly identifies the three presidencies into which the Portuguese Asian empire was divided?
[A] Goa, Mozambique, Malacca
[B] Goa, Madagascar, Mauritius
[C] Goa, Mozambique, Mauritius
[D] Goa, Reunion, Malacca

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10. After the Hindustan Republican Association was renamed as Hindustan Socialist Republic Association, a central committee was formed. Who among the following was from Bihar in this central Committee?
[A] Sukhdev
[B] Kundanlal
[C] P N Ghosh
[D] Shiv Sharma

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