Modern Indian History MCQs

Multiple choice questions on Modern Indian History & Freedom Struggle for General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations.These questions are part of GKToday’s 35000+ MCQs Bank Course in GKToday Android App

1. Which among the following Congress sessions was known for concession of separate electorates for the Muslims by the Congress Party?
[A] 1913 Karachi Session
[B] 1915 Bombay Session
[C] 1916 Lucknow Session
[D] 1917 Calcutta Session

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2. Who founded Madras Labour Union?
[A] Subodh Banerjee
[B] B.P. Wadia
[C] Lala Lajpat Rai
[D] Bharat Bhushan Pandey

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3. Which Bengali writer suggested the adoption of Hindi as India’s National Language?
[A] Bhudeva Mukherjee
[B] Dinbandhu Mitra
[C] Madhusudan Datta
[D] Kali Prasanna Sinha

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4. Consider the following statements about Madras Mahajan Sabha:

  1. It was started in the year 1884
  2. P. Rangaiah Naidu was the first  president
  3. Anandacharyulu was the first secretary

Which of the above is / are correct statements?

[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 3
[D] All are correct

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5. Which of the following events took place during the viceroyship of Lord Reading?
[A] Chauri-Chaura incident
[B] Moplah rebellion
[C] Formation of Swaraj Party
[D] All of the above

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6. Who was the founder of the organisation “Abhinav Bharat” in 1904?
[A] Lala Hardayal
[B] VD Savarkar
[C] Ganesh Savarkar
[D] Both 2 & 3

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7. Why did the English East India Company succeed so spectacularly in India when others, European and Indian, did not?

  1. Britain was better than all rivals on the front of Control of the seas
  2. East India Company had gained control of India’s richest province after battle of Plassey
  3. East India Company was devoid of corruption

Select the correct option from the codes given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] 1 & 2
[C] 1, 2 & 3
[D] 2 & 3

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8. Who were the leading cultivators in the Pabna revolt?
[A] Indigo cultivators
[B] Tea cultivators
[C] Jute cultivators
[D] Cotton cultivators

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9. Which of the following was needed in the society to stop untouchability by Mahatama Gandhi?
[A] The Harijans should revolt against untouchability
[B] The people of India to give treatment of equality to the untouchables
[C] Untouchability to be declared a crime under law
[D] A social revolution to create a society based on equality

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10. Which of the following is the boundary line between India-Pakistan?
[A] McMohan Line
[B] Radcliffe Line
[C] Durand Line
[D] Maginot Line

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