21. Campbell Bay is located in which of the following places of India?
[A] Little Andaman
[B] Little Nicobar
[C] South Andaman
[D] Great Nicobar
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Correct Answer: D [Great Nicobar]
Campbell Bay is located in Great Nicobar island. The southernmost point of India, Indira Point is located here.
22. What is the length of the Indus river in India?
[A] 700 km
[B] 920 km
[C] 1200 km
[D] 1500 km
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Correct Answer: A [700 km]
The length of the Indus river in India is about 700 kilometers. The total length of the Indus river is 3,180 kilometers.
23. At which of the following places the Ganga river enters into the plain area from the hills?
[A] Allahabad
[B] Kanpur
[C] Patna
[D] Hardwar
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Correct Answer: D [Hardwar]
About a distance of 290 kilometers from its source the Ganga river enters into the plain area from the hills near Hardwar. After that, it follows a southeasterly direction.
24. ‘Kal Baisakhi’ gives rainfall to which of the following places?
[A] Rajasthan
[B] West Bengal
[C] Karnataka
[D] Maharashtra
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Correct Answer: B [West Bengal]
During the hot weather period starting from March to May the eastern and North-eastern states of India like West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Odisha experience a severe type of thunderstorm which is known as Nor’wester. In Bengal, it is known as ‘Kal Baisakhi’ or calamity of the month of Baisakh (April,15-May,15). It is very helpful for the pre-Kharif crops like jute, paddy, summer till and a large number of vegetables and fruits and the sudden drop in temperature gives relief to the people.
25. Which among the following about the tropical cyclone are correct?
1. It occurs between 8°N to 25°N in the northern hemisphere
2. Latent heat of condension is the main energy source of cyclone
3. It occurs mainly after the summer solstice
4. Clone develops only on ocean
Choose the correct option from the codes given below :
[A] 1 & 2
[B] 1, 2 & 3
[C] 2, 3 & 4
[D] 1, 2, 3 & 4
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Correct Answer: D [1, 2, 3 & 4]
Tropical cyclone occurs between 8°N to 25°N in the northern hemisphere. Clone develops only on the ocean. The latent heat of condension is the main energy source of the cyclone. It occurs mainly after summer solstice when equatorial low pressure is far away from the equator.
26. Which of the following was/ were the fault of the thermal concept of Halley?
1. He did not take into consideration the shifting of ITCZ
2. He overlooked the Coriolis effect
3. The overlooked the concept of the passing of latent heat through water vapour
Choose the correct option from the codes given below :
[A] 1 & 2
[B] 1 & 3
[C] 2 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
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Correct Answer: C [2 & 3]
The Thermal concept of the origin of monsoon was given by noted astronomer Halley. But there were some faults. Halley overlooked the Coriolis effect and the concept of the passing of latent heat through water vapour.
27. The Dynamic Concept about the origin of monsoon was given by who among the following?
[A] Flohn
[B] Hess
[C] Halley
[D] Winger
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Correct Answer: A [Flohn]
The Dynamic Concept about the origin of monsoon was given by Flohn in the yeat 1951. As per the concept, the monsoon occurs due to the seasonal migration of planetary winds and the presence of pressure belts.
28. Which of the following type of forest is found in Western ghat, Northeast India and foothills of Himalaya?
[A] Tropical Evergreen
[B] Tropical Moist Deciduous
[C] Tropical Dry Deciduous
[D] Tidal forest
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Correct Answer: B [Tropical Moist Deciduous]
Tropical Moist Deciduous type of forest is found in Western ghat, Northeast India, and foothills of Himalaya. The annual rainfall varies between 100-200 cm. Teak and Sal are a type of tropical moist deciduous forest.
29. Which among the following project is a joint agreement between India and Nepal?
[A] Kosi Project
[B] Machkund Project
[C] Koyna Project
[D] Mahi Project
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Correct Answer: A [Kosi Project]
Kosi Project is a joint agreement between India and Nepal (1954). It is situated across the Kosi River which is also known as “Sorrow of Bihar”.
30. Kakrapar Atomic Power Station is located in which of the following states of India?
[A] Assam
[B] Gujarat
[C] Karnataka
[D] Odisha
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Correct Answer: B [Gujarat]
Kakrapar Atomic Power Station is located in the state of Gujarat. It was commissioned in the year 1993. It is operated by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India.