Human Geography: Population, Demography, Migration, Settlements, Urbanization

Who among the following gave the Theory of demographic Transition?
Which among the following pairs of stages of population growth and their characteristics is/are correctly matched?
  1. First stage - Stage of high birth rate and high death rate
  2. Second stage - Stage of declining birth rate and low death rate.
  3. Third stage - Stage of high birth rate and low death rate.
  4. Fourth stage - Stage of low birth rate and death rate
Select the correct code from the options given below:
Which among the following stages of demographic transition is called the stage of stationary population?
Who gave his ideas regarding population in his book ‘Essay, on the principle of Population?
Which among the following statements is/are correct about the Population theory of Malthus?
  1. He supported ‘preventive’ and ‘positive’ checks on population growth such as late marriage.
  2. He was against birth control after marriage.
  3. He argues that food production increases exponentially, whereas human population grows in arithmetic progression. 
Select the correct code from the options given below:

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