Chemistry MCQs
Chemistry Objective (Multiple Choice) General Knowledge Questions & Answers for SSC-CGL, UPPSC, UPSC, NDA, CDS and UPSC Civil Services Prelims Examination. These questions are part of GKToday’s 35000+ MCQs Bank Course in GKToday Android App
1. Which compound of mercury is used as antiseptic?
[A] Mercuric sulphide
[B] Mercuric oxide
[C] Mercuric chloride
[D] Mercuric iodide
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Correct Answer: C [Mercuric chloride]
Mercury chloride (HgCl2) is a highly toxic compound that volatizes slightly at ordinary temperature and appreciably at 100 degrees C. It is corrosive to mucous membranes and used as a topical antiseptic and disinfectant.
2. Potassium permanganate is used to purify water. Which among the following properties of Potassium permanganate helps in this work?
[A] sterilizing
[B] oxidizing
[C] reducing
[D] leaching
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Correct Answer: B [oxidizing]
Potassium permanganate is a point-of-entry treatment method that oxidizes dissolved iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide into solid particles that are filtered out of the water. It can also be used to control iron bacteria growth in wells.
3. F block elements in the periodic table which are commonly called Lanthanides have the following atomic numbers:
[A] 57-70
[B] 57-71
[C] 58-71
[D] 58-70
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Correct Answer: B [57-71]
The correct answer is 2. The lanthanides are a series of 15 elements in the periodic table, from atomic numbers 57 (Lanthanum) to 71 (Lutetium). They are known for their similar properties and are often found together in nature. The range of atomic numbers for lanthanides is 57 to 71, not 57-70 or 58-70.
4. Which among the following is not an Ore?
[A] Chalcopyrite
[B] Sphalerite
[C] Cinnabar
[D] Andesite
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Correct Answer: D [Andesite]
Andesite is a type of volcanic rock that is intermediate in composition between basalt and rhyolite. It is typically gray to black in color and has a fine-grained, porphyritic texture, with larger crystals of feldspar and other minerals embedded in a finer-grained matrix. Andesite is formed when magma cools and solidifies at or near the Earth’s surface. It is common in volcanic arcs and other tectonically active areas, such as the Andes Mountains in South America, where it gets its name.
Andesite is typically less dense and more viscous than basalt, and it has a lower melting point. It is often intermediate in silica content between basalt and rhyolite, with a SiO2 content of around 53-62%. Andesite can also contain other minerals such as pyroxene, amphibole, and biotite, and it may exhibit a range of textural and compositional variations depending on the conditions under which it formed. Andesite is an important rock type in many geologic settings and is used in a variety of construction and landscaping applications.
5. Which among the following will emit maximum mass of carbon dioxide , when the same quantity is burnt of all of them?
[A] Kerosene
[B] Natural Gas
[C] Gasoline
[D] Propane
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Correct Answer: A [Kerosene]
The carbon content of Kerosene is higher than the other fuels mentioned in the option, that is why it will emit maximum mass of carbon dioxide, when the same quantity is burnt.
6. Which among the following impurity in drinking water causes the “Bamboo Spine” disorder?
[A] Nitrate
[B] Fluorides
[C] Arsenic
[D] Sulphides
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Correct Answer: B [ Fluorides]
Ankylosing Spondylitis is a chronic, inflammatory arthritis and autoimmune disease that mainly affects joints in the spine and the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis. It tends to affect the spine and in late stages, the spine will fuse and this has given rise to the term “bamboo spine”. It is mainly caused due to impurities in drinking water associated with fluorides.
7. What is the reason that despite being third most abundant element on the Earth’s surface and most abundant chemical substance in the universe, Hydrogen is not found as a gas in Earth’s atmosphere?
[A] It is very reactive and unstable gas
[B] It is so light that readily escapes earth’s gravity
[C] It is not found in free state in nature
[D] None of the above reasons
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Correct Answer: B [ It is so light that readily escapes earth’s gravity]
Under ordinary conditions on Earth, elemental hydrogen exists as the diatomic gas, H2. However, hydrogen gas is very rare in the Earth’s atmosphere (1 ppm by volume) because of its light weight, which enables it to escape from Earth’s gravity more easily than heavier gases. However, hydrogen is the third most abundant element on the Earth’s surface, mostly in the form of chemical compounds such as hydrocarbons and water. Hydrogen gas is produced by some bacteria and algae and is a natural component of flatus, as is methane, itself a hydrogen source of increasing importance.
8. Which of the following chemicals is resposible for temporary acid rain in colder regions?
[A] Hydrogen chloride
[B] Sulphur dioxide
[C] Nitric acid
[D] Nitrogen oxides
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Correct Answer: A [ Hydrogen chloride]
Hydrogen chloride gas released from volcanic eruption is responsible for temporary acid rain in colder regions.
9. What is dry ice?
[A] solidified form of Carbon dioxide
[B] frozen heavy water
[C] isotope of Hydrogen
[D] popular name of Benzene
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Correct Answer: A [solidified form of Carbon dioxide]
Carbon dioxide can be obtained as a solid in the form of dry ice by allowing the liquified CO2 to expand rapidly.
10. How is Aqua regia formed?
[A] by mixing 2 parts of concentrated HCl and one part of concentrated HNO3
[B] by mixing 3 parts of concentrated HCl and one part of concentrated HNO3
[C] by mixing 1 part of concentrated HCl and three parts of concentrated HNO3
[D] None of the above
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Correct Answer: B [by mixing 3 parts of concentrated HCl and one part of concentrated HNO3]
When three parts of concentrated HCl and one part of concentrated HNO3 are mixed, aqua regia is formed which is used for dissolving noble metals, e.g., gold, platinum.