Chemistry MCQs

Chemistry Objective (Multiple Choice) General Knowledge Questions & Answers for SSC-CGL, UPPSC, UPSC, NDA, CDS and UPSC Civil Services Prelims Examination. These questions are part of GKToday’s 35000+ MCQs Bank Course in GKToday Android App

1. Which compound of mercury is used as antiseptic?
[A] Mercuric sulphide
[B] Mercuric oxide
[C] Mercuric chloride
[D] Mercuric iodide

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2. Potassium permanganate is used to purify water. Which among the following properties of Potassium permanganate helps in this work?
[A] sterilizing
[B] oxidizing
[C] reducing
[D] leaching

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3. F block elements in the periodic table which are commonly called Lanthanides have the following atomic numbers:
[A] 57-70
[B] 57-71
[C] 58-71
[D] 58-70

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4. Which among the following is not an Ore?
[A] Chalcopyrite
[B] Sphalerite
[C] Cinnabar
[D] Andesite

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5. Which among the following will emit maximum mass of carbon dioxide , when the same quantity is burnt of all of them?
[A] Kerosene
[B] Natural Gas
[C] Gasoline
[D] Propane

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6. Which among the following impurity in drinking water causes the “Bamboo Spine” disorder?
[A] Nitrate
[B] Fluorides
[C] Arsenic
[D] Sulphides

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7. What is the reason that despite being third most abundant element on the Earth’s surface and most abundant chemical substance in the universe, Hydrogen is not found as a gas in Earth’s atmosphere?  
[A] It is very reactive and unstable gas
[B] It is so light that readily escapes earth’s gravity
[C] It is not found in free state in nature
[D] None of the above reasons

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8. Which of the following chemicals is resposible for temporary acid rain in colder regions?
[A] Hydrogen chloride
[B] Sulphur dioxide
[C] Nitric acid
[D] Nitrogen oxides

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9. What is dry ice?
[A] solidified form of Carbon dioxide
[B] frozen heavy water
[C] isotope of Hydrogen
[D] popular name of Benzene

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10. How is Aqua regia formed?
[A] by mixing 2 parts of concentrated HCl and one part of concentrated HNO3
[B] by mixing 3 parts of concentrated HCl and one part of concentrated HNO3
[C] by mixing 1 part of concentrated HCl and three parts of concentrated HNO3
[D] None of the above

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