Biology MCQs

These questions are part of GKToday’s 35000+ MCQs Bank Course in GKToday Android App

1. Who among the following is considered to be the father of antiseptic surgery?
[A] Dr. Lineus Pauling
[B] Dr. Joseph Lister
[C] Robert Koch
[D] Louis pasteur

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2. MON 863 is a genetically engineered variety of which among the following?
[A] Soya Bean
[B] Maize
[C] Rice
[D] Tomato

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3. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase & telophase are the stages of which of the following process?
[A] Mitosis / Meiosis
[B] Asexual reproduction
[C] sexual reproduction
[D] Cell metabolism

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4. Digestion is not a function of which of the following ?
[A] Biotin
[B] Pepsin
[C] Renin
[D] None of the above

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5. Which among the following is the first country to issue research licenses for human embryonic cloning to create stem cells?
[A] United States
[B] Australia
[C] Germany
[D] Britain

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6. Who among the following scientists is known for developing techniques for DNA fingerprinting and DNA profiling which are now used all over the world in forensic science to assist police detective work?
[A] Vernon Heywood
[B] Patrick Laidlaw
[C] Alec Jeffreys
[D] Heinz Wolff

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7. The correct group of animals that suffer from the “Foot & Mouth ” disease is as follows:
[A] Only Cattle
[B] Cattle & Sheeps
[C] Cattle and Pigs
[D] Cattle, Sheeps and Pigs

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8. Which among the following is most distantly related to other three animals?
[A] Walrus
[B] Sea Lion
[C] Seals
[D] Sperm whale

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9. To which organ of the body is the disease ‘Glaucoma’ related to?
[A] Ear
[B] Heart
[C] Bones
[D] Eye

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10. Who proposed five kingdom classification?
[A] Ernst Mayr
[B] M.W.Beijerinck
[C] R.H. Whittaker
[D] D.I Ivanovsky

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