Biology MCQs

These questions are part of GKToday’s 35000+ MCQs Bank Course in GKToday Android App

1. From which among the following parts of a plant Cinnamon is obtained?
[A] Leaves
[B] Seeds
[C] Bark
[D] Buds

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2. Which among the following diseases is also known as “Pink Eye”?
[A] Conjunctivitis
[B] Myopia
[C] Astigmatism
[D] Presbyopia

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3. Which among the following is the correct location of Adrenal Glands in Human Body?
[A] Above kidneys
[B] Below kidneys
[C] Above Medulla Oblongata
[D] Near Pancreases

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4. Which among the following function as locus of biochemical reactions?
[A] Cell plasma
[B] Cell membrane
[C] Cell walls
[D] None of the above

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5. Sexual cannibalism is a concept in which the female kills the male after mating and is normally found in _________?
[A] Dragon fly
[B] Spider
[C] Honey Bee
[D] None of the above

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6. In which of the following diseases copper accumulates in tissues ?
[A] Fabry disease
[B] Canavan disease
[C] Wilson’s disease
[D] Gunther disease

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7. The birds not have respiratory trouble at the time of flying at high altitude. What is the reason for this?
[A] The size of lungs of birds is larger in comparison to their body
[B] At higher altitudes birds fly inactively
[C] Birds have extra air sacs
[D] None of the above is a correct reason

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8. From the point of view of evolution of living organisms, which of the following set of animals is a correct sequence of evolution?
[A] Whale, Kangaroo, Echidna
[B] Echidna, Whale, Kangaroo
[C] Kangaroo, Whale, Echidna
[D] Echidna, Kangaroo, Whale

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9. Which of the following cells is present in epidermis that surrounds stomatal pore in plants?
[A] Epithelial cells
[B] Guard cells
[C] Subsidiary cells
[D] Accessory cells

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10. Which among the following carries impure blood to human heart?
[A] Pulmonary vein
[B] Vena Cava
[C] Aorta
[D] Pulmonary arteries

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