Environment & Biodiversity MCQs

Environment, Ecology & Biodiversity Multiple choice questions for GK paper in SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations. These questions are part of GKToday’s 35000+ MCQs Bank Course in GKToday Android App

1. The Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary (BWS) is located in which state?
[A] Punjab
[B] Haryana
[C] Himachal Pradesh
[D] Uttar Pradesh

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2. The Rowa Wildlife Sanctuary (RWS) is located in which state?
[A] Rajasthan
[B] Kerala
[C] Tripura
[D] Odisha

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3. Which among the following states in India has maximum number of protected areas viz. Wild life sanctuaries and National Parks?
[A] West Bengal
[B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] Madhya Pradesh
[D] Karnataka

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4. With which of the following is related CITES in context with the global issues today?
[A] Environment Protection
[B] Financial Slowdown
[C] Poverty Alleviation Programmes of United Nations
[D] Information Technology

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5. Which of the following winds is known for “Blood Rain”?
[A] Sirocco
[B] Harmattan
[C] Mistral
[D] Khamsin

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6. Which of the following statements scientifically explains the fact that a rough sea can be calmed by pouring oil on its surface?
[A] The oil increases the surface tension of water
[B] The surface tension of the oil film absorbs energy of waves
[C] The winds creating waves are blocked by the oil film
[D] None of the reasons mentioned in A, B and C

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7. If we completely remove the decomposers, from an ecosystem, its functioning will be adversely affected, because:
[A] energy flow will be blocked
[B] mineral movement will be blocked
[C] herbivores will not receive solar energy
[D] rate of decomposition will be very high

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8. Grey water footprint is the amount of:
[A] rainwater required (evaporated or used directly) to make a product
[B] freshwater required for mixing and diluting pollutants enough to maintain water quality according to certain standards
[C] surface water and groundwater required (evaporated or used directly) to make a product
[D] sea water (evaporated or used directly) to make a product

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9. Which of the following national parks is a natural habitat of Hangul, an endangered species of red deer?
[A] Dibru-Saikhowa National Park
[B] Great Himalayan National Park
[C] Dachigam National Park
[D] Keibul Lamjao National Park

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10. Alfalfa is associated with which of the following?
[A] Grass
[B] Crop
[C] Forest
[D] None of the above

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