Economic Geography - Manufacturing Industries

Which among the following factor/factors affect the industrial location?
  1. Government Policy
  2. Relief
  3. Climate
  4. Raw Materials
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Which among the following statements is/are correct about the location of Coal industries?
  1. Generally a strong correlation is found between the location of heavy industrial plants and the availability of coal.
  2. Coal being a bulky and cheap industrial input, industrial plants are in close proximity of sources of coal supply.
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Which among the following statements is/are correct about labor as an important factor of manufacturing?
  1. The mobility of labour is a factor contributing to dispersal of industry.
  2. For the manufacturing activity, both cost and availability of labour are important.
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Which among the following factors influence the market factor of the location of industries?
  1. Development of transportation
  2. Mobility of labour
  3. Easy transmission of energy
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Which among the following factors influence the location of manufacturing industries?
  1. Grants and financial services 
  2. Power Supply
  3. Access to market
  4. Raw materials
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