Computers and IT MCQs
Computer Awareness Questions and Quiz for Banking, IBPS, RRB, RBI, SBI, NABARD examinations of 2024-2025. Computer Awareness MCQs for Competitive Exams. GKToday Computer Awareness for IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, Bank PO, Bank Clerk and other entrance / competitive examinations.
1. What are the uses of Structured Query Language (SQL)?
[A] Creating Databases
[B] Creating & Modifying Databases
[C] Creating, Modifying & Querying Databases
[D] None of the above
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Correct Answer: C [Creating, Modifying & Querying Databases]
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standard computer language designed for managing data held in a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). It is used not only for creating and modifying databases but also for querying them. In essence, SQL allows you to interact with databases in all the ways that you might need, making it an essential tool for managing complex data structures.
2. An Autoresponder is a_______on mail server that automatically replies to e-mails?
[A] command
[B] Software
[C] Program
[D] None of these
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Correct Answer: C [Program]
An autoresponder is a computer program that automatically answers e-mail sent to it. They can be very simple or quite complex. The first autoresponders were created within mail transfer agents that found they could not deliver an e-mail to a given address.
3. What is HTTP 404?
[A] An error message indicating server not found
[B] An error message indicating moved permanently
[C] An error message indicating forbidden
[D] An error message indicating server found
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Correct Answer: A [An error message indicating server not found ]
The HTTP 404, 404 Not Found, 404, Page Not Found, or Server Not Found error message is Hypertext Transfer Protocol standard response code. In computer network communications it indicates that the browser was able to communicate with a given server but server cant find it.
4. Which of the following statements about ‘Net Metering’ is / are correct?
- It is a billing mechanism for solar energy consumers.
- It allows consumers to receive credits for electricity they add to the grid.
- It is primarily used for monitoring water usage in urban households.
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2
[C] Only 1
[D] Only 3
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Correct Answer: A [Only 1 & 2]
Net metering is a billing mechanism that credits solar energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid. It allows consumers to offset their energy costs by generating their own electricity from solar panels, and any surplus energy is fed back into the grid, for which they receive credits. This innovative system promotes the use of renewable energy sources. It is not related to monitoring water usage in households.
5. The terms “push and pull services” in context with the Banking are used in which among the following generally?
[A] Rural Banking
[B] Unit Banking
[C] Mobile Banking
[D] Online banking
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Correct Answer: C [Mobile Banking ]
Mobile Banking, refers to sms sending on customer’s request and without requests.
6. What do we call a storage device where the access time is effectively independent of the location of the data?
[A] Direct Access Storage Device
[B] Secondary Storage Device
[C] Primary Storage Device
[D] Gateway Device
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Correct Answer: A [Direct Access Storage Device ]
A direct-access storage device is a secondary storage device. It is the place where “each physical record has a discrete location and a unique address”. IBM coined the term DASD as a shorthand describing hard disk drives, magnetic drums, and data cells.
7. Which among the following is a high-level language used to develop software applications in compact, efficient code that can be run on different types of computers with minimal change?
[B] C
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Correct Answer: C [COBOL]
COBOL is a high level labguage used to develop software applications in compact. It is compiled English-like computer programming language designed for business use. It object-oriented since 2002.
8. Which of the following audio / video formats was developed by Microsoft?
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Correct Answer: C [WMA]
Windows Media Audio (WMA) is a series of audio codecs and their corresponding audio coding formats developed by Microsoft.
9. In which year Microsoft was founded ?
[A] 1970
[B] 1974
[C] 1975
[D] 1976
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Correct Answer: C [1975]
Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen on April 4, 1975, to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800. It rose to dominate the personal computer operating system market with MS-DOS in the mid-1980s, followed by Microsoft Windows.
10. Which of the following are part of the Logical Operations of the computer?
[A] Addition
[B] Greater Than
[C] Subtraction
[D] Differentials
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Correct Answer: B [Greater Than]
A computer performs both arithmetic and logical operations. Examples of logical operations are greater than, less than, equal to , opposite etc.