Quiz – Current Affairs September 20, 2012
1. Who among the following is the present president of the K. K. Birla Foundation which confers Saraswati Samman for prose/poetry work in any Indian language?
[A]Zia Mody
[B]Shobhana Bhartia
[C]Vir Sanghvi
[D]Barkha Dutt
Shobhana Bhartia
2. The Government of India is working with which among the following to set up Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) institute?
[A]World Bank
[B]International Monetary Fund (IMF)
[C]Asian Development Bank
[D]Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
World Bank
3. The ‘Operation Pacific Angel Nepal’, which is a first joint humanitarian assistance was recently held between Nepal army and ___________?
[A]Indian military
[B]Sri Lankan military
[C]US military
[D]China military
US military
4. In a bid to beef up security along the 974-km long coastline, which among the following State has decided to set up 15 marine Police Stations, in addition to the existing six ones and also appoint special Police Officers in coastal villages?
[B]Tamil Nadu
[C]Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
5. Okinawa Prefecture, which is recently in news is located in _________?
[C]South Korea
The U.S. military uses Kadena Air Base in Okinawa Prefecture of Japan. Recently there is a opposition from people in deployment of U.S. MV-22 Osprey
aircraft in Okinawa Perfecture due to concern stemming from recent crashes involving Ospreys overseas.
6. Which among the following News publication has recently opened a Centre for Politics and Public Policy to encourage research and discussion on critical political and public policy issues in India?
[A]The Times of India
[B]The Hindu
[C]the Indian Express
[D]the Hindustan Times
The Hindu
7. Daniel Barrera, the world’s most wanted drugs baron was recently captured in __________?
[D]Costa Rica
8. Recently launched MetOp-B weather satellite is developed by ___________?
[A]Russian Space Agency
[C]European Space Agency
European Space Agency
9. Recently India has successfully flight-tested it’s nuclear capable surface-to-surface Agni-IV missile. What is the range if Agni-IV missile?
[A]2,500 km
[B]3,000 km
[C]3,500 km
[D]4,000 km
4,000 km
10. Recently Pakistan Prime Minister has informed the Supreme Court of Pakistan that it would withdraw the 2007 letter to __________ authorities asking for closure of graft cases against President Asif Ali Zardari?