Quiz – Current Affairs October 13, 2012
1. Which among the following city was the first Indian city to come up with ‘city biodiversity index’?
[D]New Delhi
In the evaluation, the city scored 36 points while Brussels topped the list with 55 among the 14 cities across the world. The index evaluated the status of biodiversity and is expected to serve as a monitoring method to promote better management of resources and conservation efforts.
2. Who among the following is the present CEO and President of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)?
[A]Steve Crocker
[B]Fadi Chehade
[C]Rod Beckstrom
[D]Vint Cerf
Fadi Chehade
3. In which among the following city, the world’s largest exhibition for the book trade was opened recently?
4. What is the name of the ‘diamond planet’ that is discovered by the scientists recently?
[A]Virgo 55 e
[B]Taurus 55 e
[C]Cancri 55 e
[D]Capricorni 55 e
Cancri 55 e
5. Recently, which among the following has released the report titled “Marrying Too Young: End Child Marriage”?
[A]United Nations Population Fund
[B]Organisation of Economic Coopertion and Development
[D]UN Women
United Nations Population Fund
6. Recently, United Nations Security Council approved a plan for international military intervention to regain control of lost territories from Islamic militants in _________?
[B]Burkina Faso
7. Which among the following organisation is awarded with 2012 Nobel Peace Prize?
[B]European Union
European Union
8. Galileo is a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) currently being built by the European Union (EU) and European Space Agency (ESA). How many satellites Galileo will have after its full completion in 2019?
[A]21 satellites
[B]24 satellites
[C]28 satellites
[D]30 satellites
30 satellites
9. Recently, Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi released the reprint edition of DHARMAPUSTAK, the first printed book in Assamese language, published in 1813 ( about 200 years ago ). The book is an Assamese version of the _________ translated by Atmaram Sarma ?
[B]Bhagavat Gita
10. How many targets are set to be achieved under Aichi biodiversity targets?
[A]10 targets
[B]15 targers
[C]20 targets
[D]25 targets
20 targets

October 18, 2012 at 9:40 amHyderabad has notched a ‘respectable’ score of 36 out of 92 .
October 18, 2012 at 11:31 amSir,
In the first question explanation the score of hyderabad was given as 33, but the score as per hindu is 36.. http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-in-school/city-gets-respectable-score-on-biodiversity-index/article4003944.ece, this link gives the details.