Quiz 97: Sunday Quiz on Current Affairs

1 . Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s conference on Afghanistan, was held in march 2009 at which of the following place?
A. Shanghai
B. Moscow
C. Beijing

2 . Recently , due to political upheavals Madagascar was expelled from which of the following union?
B. International Trade Union
C. The African Union

3 . Which among the following countries has been a cause of souring China & US relationships?
A. Hong Kong
B. Taiwan
C. Tibet

4 . Baden-Baden and Kohl in Germany were recently in news because of the following summits held there?
A. NATO summit
B. Global Automotive Sourcing Summit
C. Nabucco Summit

5 . Where was Global Automotive Sourcing Summit 2009 held on April 21, 2009?
A. London
B. Geneva
C. Shanghai

6 . Automobile Major Bajaj has tied up with which of the following companies to bring out the ULC’ (ultra low cost), car by 2011?
A. Renault
B. Nissan
C. Both of Them

7 . CBI court has recently sentenced M Gopalakrishnana to 14 years rigorous imprisonment for fraud and misuse of official position while being CMD of which bank? 
A. Union Bank of India
B. Central Bank of India
C. Indian Bank

8 . Swine Flu which has recently hit Mexico and other countries is a mutated strain of the virus denoted by Â…?
A. H1N1
B. H2N3
C. H3N2

9 . Who is the new Finance Secretary of India?
A. Mr. Ashok Chawla
B. Mr. Arun Ramanthan
C. Mr. G.C. Chaturvedi

10 . Recently SBI slashed deposit rates by ?
A. .25%
B. .20%
C. .30%

11 . Which government had established Abel Prize on the pattern of Nobel Prizes?
A. Sweden
B. Norway
C. France

12 . Recently Mr. Bindeshwar pathak was given Stockholm Water Prize 2009. He belongs to which of the NGO?
A. Sulabh International
B. Saathi
C. Disha

13 . Who among the following presents Luther L Terry awards?
A. American Cancer Society
B. World Health Organization
C. International Union Against Cancer

14 . Which award was conferred to Shamshad Beghum recently?
A. Padma Vibhushan
B. Padma Bhushan
C. Padma Sri

15 . Serfs Emancipation Day is related to which of the following Place?
A. Tibet
B. Myanmar
C. Singapore

16 . Bacillus Aryabhatta is a name given to a new bacteria strain found by ?
A. Biocon
C. Ranbaxy

17 . The campaign ” Incredible India” was launched by Ministry of Tourism and a TV channel . Which one is that TV channel?
A. Zee TV
B. Doordarshan

18 . Which among the following is not an affiliate of World Bank?
A. World Trade Organization
B. International Finance Corporation
C. International Monetary Fund

19 . national Technology Day is celebrated on which date?
A. May 1
B. May 11
C. May 21

20 . On what date World-No Tobacco Day is observed?
A. May 30
B. May 31
C. May 20


  1. ChandraPrakash

    May 3, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    sir can you post anything for legal g k.


    May 4, 2009 at 12:29 am

    Applaudable…. carry on.

  3. Anonymous

    May 7, 2009 at 3:45 am

    pls post something related to psu exams like bsnl(jto)

  4. Anonymous

    May 7, 2009 at 12:29 pm

    all the recent posts r really helpful…can u plzz post smthn on legal gk….

  5. Pandi

    May 11, 2009 at 10:58 pm

    great work…
    The aspirants for public service exams will definitely say "Hats off.."

  6. Jitender

    May 20, 2009 at 1:57 pm

    Hats off – to you… God Bless you…it's like a Social service.

    Knowledge is a SEA – it never dries up ….

    Warmest regards to you

  7. Anonymous

    May 24, 2009 at 12:12 pm

    will u please give some questionsabout entrance of masters of mass media?

  8. Vasundhara

    June 20, 2009 at 12:11 pm

    really excellent job….
    very useful for the people preparing for current affairs….

  9. Anonymous

    August 14, 2009 at 9:58 pm

    nayan tarse

  10. Anonymous

    October 12, 2009 at 2:29 am



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