Quiz 947: GK Questions for Himachal Pradesh Forest Dept Recruitment Exams

This quiz has 10 General Knowledge / GK Questions for Himachal Pradesh Forest Dept Recruitment Exams based on syllabus of GK of Competition examinations and previous years question papers.

Which of the following can be logically concluded from the fact that “atomic number of Iron is 26”?
  1. Iron has same number of Protons and Neutrons
  2. Iron has 26 Protons
  3. All atoms which contain 26 protons are iron atoms
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Which of the following Pala ruler founded the Somapuri University?
Mutual Funds are regulated in India by which among the following?
By which amendment of the Constitution, Article 323A (Administrative tribunals) & Article 323B (Tribunals for other matters) in a new part XIV A was inserted in the Indian Constitution?
Which of the following cultural organizations was established by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the first Education Minister of independent India.?
What is the S.I unit of Stefan-Boltzmann constant?
Which of the following pathways is related to translocation of water in plants?
Which of the following ports is the largest natural port of India?
In which Indian city, would you find the mosque with "Shaking Minarets"?
What percent of earth's surface is covered by land?

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