Quiz 927: GK Questions for Madhya Pradesh High Court Judicial Services Exams

This quiz has 10 General Knowledge / GK Questions for Madhya Pradesh High Court Judicial Services Exams based on syllabus of GK of Competition examinations and previous years question papers.

The National Deworming Day (NDD) is celebrated on which date in India?
Which among the following is correct full form of NASDAQ?
Consider the following statements:
  1. The office of the Central Vigilance Commissioner in India has a Constitutional Status
  2. CVC can be removed by the president of India only on recommendation by the Council of Ministers.
Which among the above statements is / are correct?
What do we call the mode of transmission of heat by which heat travels from one part of a body to another by the actual motion of the heated particles of the body?
What is a Carnot engine?
What is the total number of allowed orbitals in a shell, if principal quantum number is n?
Which of following is the primary photosynthetic pigment?
The Presidential Government operates on the principle of which of the following?
Who among the following discovered X-rays?
Which of the following are longest cells of human body?

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