Quiz 892: GK Questions for South Western Railway Recruitment Exams

This quiz has 10 General Knowledge / GK Questions for South Western Railway Recruitment Exams based on syllabus of GK of Competition examinations and previous years question papers.

In context with the Mahayana Buddhism faith, the future Buddha is ___?
Which among the following would cause the bright red color due to bursting of crackers?
Consider the following:
  1. Balance of trade
  2. Net factor income
  3. Net transfer payments
Which among the above make the part of the “Capital Account”?
The original constitution of India had how many schedules?
For ensuring easier exit of the sick units the government has proposed a policy called EXIT POLICY 1992. Why this committee was not implemented?
Consider the following statements:
  1. Mumbai Port does not possess a natural harbour
  2. Mahanadi does not form an estuary
  3. Teesta River is a tributary to the Ganga River
Which among the above statements is / are correct?
Consider the following statements:
  1. International Space Station is stationary, when seen from Earth
  2. An astronaut in International Space Station feels complete weightlessness
  3. International Space Station is always in a state of Free fall
Which among the above statements is/ are correct?
Which of the following pair is incorrect?
Under which article, President of India can proclaim financial emergency?

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