Quiz 889: GK Questions for Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation Recruitment Exams

This quiz has 10 General Knowledge / GK Questions for Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation Recruitment Exams based on syllabus of GK of Competition examinations and previous years question papers.

Who was the author of Aihole Inscription ?
Which party observed the “Black Day” on July 3, 1947 against Partition of India?
What is the primary event that occurs during an oxidation reaction?
Consider the following imaginary figures in context with the “Components of Money Stock”. 
  1. Currency in Circulation is Rs. 1000
  2. Cash with Banks is Rs. 20
  3. “Other” Deposits with RBI is Rs. 15
  4. “Bankers” Deposit with RBI is Rs. 40
  5. Demand Deposits is Rs. 500
  6. Time Deposits is Rs. 400
Which among the following is the correct figure representing “Broad Money“?
When did the Online Etymology Dictionary first attested the use of the word "computer" as one who calculates?
Which of the following is the basic function of a computer?
Which of the following is a correct statement about minerals and ores?
What do we call the device which converts the chemical energy of a spontaneous redox reaction into electrical energy?
What is Hydroponics?
Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha together are known as which of the following?

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