Quiz 807: GK Questions for Indian Navy common entrance test

This quiz has 10 General Knowledge / GK Questions for Indian Navy common entrance test based on syllabus of GK of Competition examinations and previous years question papers.

Which of the following ancient Indian Kings had appointed Dhamma Mahamattas?
Which of the following animals are found in wild / natural habitat in India?
World’s largest tiger reserve “Hukawang Valley Tiger Reserve” is located in __:
The main objectives of Minimum Support Prices is / are
  1. Check fall in price beyond a limit
  2. Protect interest of the consumers
  3. Make procurement from the wholesalers easy
Choose the correct option:
Who among the following is the chairman of National Commission on Farmers ?
Many a times we read in the newspapers about Fiscal stimulus, which is basically a framework consisting of affirmative government action through the Budget to boost economic activity. Which among the following is a prerequisite to a Fiscal stimulus?
Which among the following tribe has the largest population in India?
In which of the following seasons, Tar roads get damaged easily?
What is the chemical formula for Sodium Chloride (Salt)?
Which of the following is a chemical formula of quicklime?

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