Quiz 738: GK Questions for Karnataka Forest Department Recruitment Exams

This quiz has 10 General Knowledge / GK Questions for Karnataka Forest Department Recruitment Exams based on syllabus of GK of Competition examinations and previous years question papers.

What is the number of members in the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC)?
Who among the following was the first Indian woman president to chair the Indian National Congress at Kanpur session of 1925?
Which among the following ancient authors has complained of the drain of gold to India (due to trade hegemony of ancient India)?
Which among the following oxides cause the Acid rain ?
E-chaupal is a rural marketing network of which of the following ?
Consider the following: 
  1. Reserve bank of India Notes
  2. Treasury Bills of Government of India
  3. Bills of exchange of 90 days maturity
  4. Demand deposits
Which among the above are near money?
If Economy of a country picks up very fast then consider the following consequences:
  1. Demand picks up
  2. Inflation comes down
  3. Prices become stable
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
What is the body called which does not have any tendency to recover its original configuration, on the removal of deforming force?
Which of the following decays represents the decay of Uranium-238 to thorium-234?
In which sect, Gandhara school of art came into existence?

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