Quiz 697: GK Questions for APSC Combined Competitive Prelims Exams

This quiz has 10 General Knowledge / GK Questions for APSC Combined Competitive Prelims Exams based on syllabus of GK of Competition examinations and previous years question papers.

Which among the following places have given the earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian subcontinent?
Which among the following is the correct decreasing of bio elements in Human Body?
According to the beliefs of the Pasupata sect, Siva is the lord of Pasu. Pasu here refers to __?
Consider the following statements: 
  1. MIBOR (Mumbai Interbank Offer Rate) was launched as overnight money market rate by Bombay Stock Exchange
  2. MIBOR is used as bench mark rate for Interest Rate Swaps, Forward Rate Agreements, Floating Rate Debentures and Term Deposits
Which among the above statements hold correct?
Consider the following statements:
  1. A Wildlife sanctuary can be declared by only state Governments
  2. A National park can be declared only by Union Government
Which among the above statements is/ are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the occurrence of ‘Neap Tides’ :
  1. The Sun and the Moon are in one line that is ‘Syzygy’.
  2. When the moon is in Apogee or the Sun is in Apehelion.
  3. Neap tides occurs twice a month.
  4. When Syzygy and Apogee happen at the same time, exceptionally low tides are formed.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are true?
What is the audible range of sound for human beings?
Which of these non-metals finds its use as a diluent for oxygen in modern diving apparatus?
The 'Dronacharya Award' is given to which of the following?
Anti-defection law is given in which schedule of Indian Constitution?

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