Quiz 546: General Studies

Consider the following:
  1. Patkai hills
  2. Manipur hills
  3. Mizo hills
  4. Naga hills
Which among the above make the Purvanchal Range?
Consider the following Hills of India:
  1. Bateshwar hills
  2. Biligiriranga Hills
  3. Chin Hills
  4. Dhosi Hill
Which among the following presents a correct set of states in which they are located?
Comparing to other regions, the day night temperature difference will be maximum in which among the following regions?
Consider the following:
  1. Pygmalion Point
  2. Magnetic Hill
  3. Point Calimere
  4. False Divi Point
Which among the following sets of states represents the above distinct geographical location of India?
In which of the following seasons, brief squalls and thunderstorms known as Kalbaisakhi, or Nor’westers, often occur in West Bengal?
In context with the tides, if a high tide occurs at a particular place at 8.00 AM. What time we can expect the next high tide?
Which among the following is the single largest irrigated area in the world?
Copper is mainly found in the form of Sulfide deposits, Carbonate deposits and Silicate deposits. Which among the following is the correct set of the copper ores in the same order respectively?
In collaboration with an organization in which among the following countries, the Ministry of Earth Science has launched ‘Project Varsamana’ as a cornerstone of the Indian meteorological department modernization programme?
Consider the following:
  1. Constitution (106th Amendment) Bill, 2006
  2. Constitution (111th) Amendment Bill, 2009
The above two amendment bills are related to which among the following respectively?


  1. Laxman

    July 12, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    Hi Admin, the answer for last question is from june to july or july to june ?
    Please clarify it

  2. vvsmishra

    July 13, 2011 at 8:37 am

    can someone give explanation for question 8

  3. vvsmishra

    July 13, 2011 at 8:47 am

    got the explanation:
    The Moon orbits the Earth in the same direction as the Earth rotates on its axis, so it takes slightly more than a day—about 24 hours and 50 minutes—for the Moon to return to the same location in the sky. During this time, it has passed overhead (culmination) once and underfoot once (at an hour angle of 00:00 and 12:00 respectively), so in many places the period of strongest tidal forcing is the above mentioned, about 12 hours and 25 minutes.

  4. GKToday

    July 13, 2011 at 9:02 am

    July to June


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