Quiz 461: General Studies for Public Service Examinations

When a piece of quicklime is dipped in water, it gives bubbles. This bubbling is due to which of the following ?
The term “Reserve Replacement Ratio” is most commonly used in which of the following industries?
Who among the following is best known for defending three Indian National Army soldiers accused of treason during World War II?
From which of the following, East India Company aquired Bombay on a lease on 27 March 1668?
Which of the following took birth from the Marrakech Agreement?
Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension Scheme was started for which among the following?
Which of the following is / are functions of National Tax Tribunal?
  1. Hearing appeals against the decisions and orders of the Chief Commissioners of Income Tax
  2. Adjudication of disputes in respect of levy, assessment, collection and enforcement of direct taxes
  3. Adjudication of disputes with respect to the rates of duties of Customs and Central Excise on goods
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
What is the purpose of Focus LAC scheme?
In which year Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA), was established?
Consider the following statements: 
  1. All kinds of Color Blindness are result of Genetic disorders 
  2. All kinds of Night Blindness are result of malnutrition 
Which among the above statements is / are correct?


  1. Anonymous

    December 3, 2010 at 9:09 pm

    sir..What is LAC scheme and how it is related to promotion of exports?

  2. Admin

    December 3, 2010 at 10:01 pm

    Focus LAC is Focus Latin American Countries and is an export promotion scheme.

  3. Anonymous

    December 4, 2010 at 8:19 pm

    2.When a piece of quicklime is dipped in water, it gives bubbles. This bubbling is due to which of the following ?
    (B)Carbon Dioxide
    (C)Water Vapour

    Answer should be Carbon Dioxide am i rite or wrong.

  4. gkk

    December 6, 2010 at 12:43 am

    Quicklime is Calcium Oxide (CaO), when CaO reacts with water it gives off lot of heat and it produce calcium hydroxide. So i think the answer is water vapour.

  5. Anonymous

    February 6, 2011 at 10:18 am

    sir..what is marrakech agreement?


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