Quiz 301 : Indian History For Civil Services Examinations

Which of the following personalities belonged to Gupta Age?
  1. Varahmihira
  2. Vatsyana
  3. Patanjali
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Out of the battles fought between contemporary rulers and Babur, which among the following resulted in the firm establishment of Babur’s rule in North India?
The people from which of the following ancient places were called as Vrishnis?
Who among the following professed Suddhadvaita philosophy?
Who among the following introduced the modern concept of rule in India?
Which among the following correctly explains Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha of Buddhism?
Which among the following is incorrect regarding Buland darwaja?
Bring out the only wrong statement:
The dual government of Bengal was result of a farman in 1765 by which of the following?
For which of the following commodities , the Dutch wanted to barter cotton piece goods in the Indonesian Archipelago?


  1. Shonit

    December 29, 2009 at 4:14 am

    Good quiz…however kindly note that answer to Q.4 is Mathura and not Dwarka. Lord Krishna belonged to the Vrishni clan/tribe. It is corroborated by the Mora inscription of Mathura which refers to the worship of 5 heroes of the Vrishni tribe viz. Balaram/Samkarshana, Vasudev Krishna, Pradyumna, Samba and Aniruddha. Basically they were the ancestors of the modern day Yadavs i.e. the cattle rearers or gwalas

    Also note that dual government started from 1765 and not 1965.

  2. Admin

    December 29, 2009 at 4:33 am

    ….widespread pastoral tribe Yadavas has established their principalities in Andhaka, Mathura, Vrishni (Dwaraka, Kathiawar), Vidarbha, avanti Darasana & Haihaya. The Yadavas were known by their generic name Bhojas except Vrishnis from Dwarka.
    ~A social history of India By S. N. Sadasivan

    Whe Krishna returned to Dwarka, the Pandavas, heartwaery and dejected decided to go on a long pilgrimage, accompanied by sage Lomasha…..when they reached Prabahsa near Dwarka , Krishna and entire Vrishni Clan went to meet them and apalled by their condition.
    ~ The Mahabharata By Meera Uberoi

  3. Shonit

    December 29, 2009 at 4:52 am

    Going by the question, it is asked the people of which place in 'Ancient India' ? It was only by the medieval times that they emerged as dominant sections in the places that you've mentioned. In ancient period atleast till 3rd century AD they were predominantly settled in Mathura.

    You can refer to the following texts to substantiate my point :-

    1. H.C Raychaudhuri – Early history of the Vaisnava sect
    2. A.L Basham – The wonder that was India; Ch-VII
    3. D.N Jha – Ancient India
    4. R.S Sharma – NCERT class XI History text book – old pattern
    5. R.G Bhandarkar – Vaishnavism, Saivism and minor religious sects

    There are several others but these should suffice for you at the moment.

    While corroborating historical arguements please refrain from citing excerpts from epics and mythologies as you have done by highlighting the second paragraph from Meera Uberoi's Mshabharata

  4. DIVYA

    December 29, 2009 at 5:21 am

    healthy competition going on to provide genuine information!!!

  5. Admin

    December 29, 2009 at 5:32 am

    Greek ambassador Bhagavata Heliodorus erected a Garuda column to Vasudeva at Besnagar; the Mora Well inscription near Mathura mentions the worship of the five Vrishni heroes, including Vasudeva; stone enclosures (Narayana vatika) were built for Vasudeva and his brother Shankarshana (Balarama) at Ghosundi and Hathivada.

    Vrishni were an ancient clan who claimed their descent from Vrishni, a descendent of Yadu. It is believed that Vrishni was son of Satvata, a descendant of Yadu, the son of Yayati. He had two wives, Gandhari and Madri. He has a son named Devamidhusha by his wife Madri. Vasudeva, the father of Krishna was the grandson of Devamidhusha. Krishna belonged to this branch of the Lunar race of Vrishnis from whom he got the name Varshneya. The people of Dwaraka were known as the Vrishnis.

    The Question is asking : The people from which of the following ancient places were called as Vrishnis?

    You say: It was only by the medieval times that they emerged as dominant sections in the places that you've mentioned. In ancient period atleast till 3rd century AD they were predominantly settled in Mathura.

    The question is not asking origin of "Vrishnis" The first paragraph tells who was Vrishni. But in general the question is asking about the people of which place were known as vrishnis in Ancient India. I don't know where the medieval India is coming here.
    Dwaraka was a federation of many republics rather than a kingdom under a single king, the title of king of the Dwaraka-confederation being only titular. Within the Federation of Dwaraka were included the states of Andhakas, Vrishnis and Bhojas. The Yadavas ruling Dwaraka were also known as Dasarhas and Madhus.
    Panini in his Ashtadhyayi mentioned about the Vrishnis along with the Andhakas. The Arthashastra of Kautilya described the Vrishnis as a sangha (tribal confederation). In the Mahabharata (Drona Parva, 141.15) the Vrishnis and the Andhakas are referred as Vratyas.

  6. Shonit

    December 29, 2009 at 8:13 am

    I appreciate your painstaking efforts in enlightening the candidates about this interesting episode from the epic but you have lifted off the entire paragraph verbatim from Wikipedia –


    It is true that they later settled in Dwarka but they were originally the inhabitants of Mathura as is indicated by the fact that it was only in the wake of the recurring attacks of Jarasandha, that Krishna decided to leave Mathura for good along with the Vrishni tribe. However, soon after settling in Dwarka, Krishna left for Vaikunth and Dwarka got submerged under the sea which marked the commencement of the Kali Age.

    This is what popular myth and epic contends.

    But history gives primacy to epigraphs, inscriptions and secular literary sources (not religious) for corroborating the historicity of any event and to this end the Jain texts – Aupapatika Sutra and Uttaradhyana Sutra, Bhitari Pillar (Ghazipur in U.P.) inscription of Skandgupta, Eran inscription of Chandragupta I (Gupta emperor) all refer to Vishnu/Krishna and their worship by the Vrishnis of Mathura.

    Even, Megasthenese states that the people of Sourasenoi (Suraseni Mahajanpada) held Heracles (Greek counterpart of Krishna) in special honor.

    No doubt, the Satvata-Yadu-Vrishni clan began migrating to the Deccan and Western part of India (including Dwarka) but that was only by 3rd century AD after the foreigners (Indo-Greeks, Sakas and Kushanas) had got assimilated in the fold of Hinduism and numerous small principalities had emerged under different rulers such as Satavahanas, Ikshvakus, Abhiras etc.

    This explains as to why Heliodorus — who was an ambassador of King Antialcidas of Taxila to the court of the Sunga ruler of Vidisa, Bhagbhadra — erected a pillar with Garuda capital in honour of Vasudeva at Besnagar and called him the "God of the gods" and himself as Param Bhagwata.

    Similarly, the Nagari inscription of Rajasthan (near Chittorgarh) refer to the merger of non-Vishnu and Vishnu cult by 2nd century BC and Apasada inscription (Gaya) and Nanaghat inscription of Queen Naganika (wife of Satvahana ruler Gautamiputra Satkarni) all refer to the worship of Vasudeva-Krishna. This definitely proves that the descendants of Vrishnis had settled in Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra.

    Thus diffusion of culture and popular cult was a common phenomena in ancient India and to this end Dwarka alone cannot be taken per se as the only place where the Vrishnis settled.

    So in the backdrop of this entire discourse, it can be said that either you re-phrase your question or accept multiple answers to the question.

  7. Admin

    December 29, 2009 at 6:24 pm

    I will accept multiple answers or reframe the question Shonit. However isn't this a contradiction to your first comment, which seems overhasty . You said kindly note that answer to Q.4 is Mathura and not Dwarka.
    However, I shall take some more time to make this adjustment. Thank you for your active participation.

  8. Shonit

    January 1, 2010 at 8:12 am

    No it was not a comment made in haste. But since you were very obdurate in your stand so i thought that it would be better, in the light of our discussion, to propose multiple answers and going by your logic, all those places where the vrishnis settled post submergence of Dwarka. Mathura still remains the numero uno choice, if you subscribe to legitimate historical analysis.

  9. ramesh krishnan

    December 30, 2012 at 5:57 pm

    sir ,i do agree with shonit .as it’s a fact from wikipedia.

  10. ramesh krishnan

    December 30, 2012 at 10:19 pm

    sir,buland darwaja was built by akbar in 1602 AD.as it is from wikipedia and also in culturalindia.net


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