Quiz 211 : Banking & Financial Awareness

1.Recently we read in the newspapers that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) plans to launch an outreach programme across the country to evolve a workable model for which of the following ?
(A)fight with the menace of fake currency in India
(B)Banking at the village level
(C)Public Private partnership all over India in Rural & Urban Areas

2.K C Chakrabarty at present is at the following designation?
(A)Deputy Governor RBI
(B)Finance Secretary India
(C)Chairman Punjab National Bank

3.Recently we read in the newspapers that RBI is evolving models to achieve more “Financial Inclusion”. Which among the following is a big problem in rural branches which poses a backdrop in ‘financial inclusion’?
(A)There is little infrastructure in Rural areas of India
(B)Most of the rural branches are not CBS (Core Banking System) compliant
(C)The Banking Business in Rural areas is not profitable

4.Which of the following was the first corporation which collapsed due to the present Global Recession?
(A)Merrill Lynch
(B)Lehman Brothers
(C)Morgan Stanley

5.Recently we read in the newspapers that Export Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) is considering raising funds through Samurai bonds. Which among the following is true about Samurai Bonds?
(A)Yen-denominated bonds issued in Japan by a non-Japanese company and subject to Japanese regulations
(B)Yen-denominated bonds issued out of Japan by a Japanese company and not subject to Japanese regulations
(C)Yen-denominated bonds issued in Japan by a non-Japanese company and however not subject to Japanese regulations

6.Recently government has set up a standing committee on infrastructure finance, which will comprise 11 members, including Planning Commission secretary, RBI deputy governor, Irda chairman, and IIFCL chairman. Who will head this committee?
(A)D Subba Rao
(B)Ashok Chawla
(C)O P Bhatt

7.In which of the following banks Govt holding is 100% ?
(A)Indian Bank
(B)Union Bank of India
(C)United Bank of India

8.Recently World Bank has coined a new term CPL based on how people define poverty. Which among the following is correct expansion of CPL?
(A)Common Poverty Line
(B)Community Poverty Line
(C)Country Poverty Line

9.Many a times we read in the newspapers about money multiplier. For example it was 5.0 in December 2008. Money multiplier is a ratio between which of the following?
(A)M3 to M0
(B)M1 to M3
(C)M0 to M3

10.What was India’s Foreign Exchange Reserves at the end of March 2009?
(A)$ 252 Billion
(B)$ 325 Billion
(C)$ 292 Billion

11.To make an online transaction after August 1, 2009 we have to enter an additional password as per the recent directions by RBI.It is commonly known as _______?
(A)VBV – Verified by Visa
(B)MSC – MasterCard SecureCode
(C)Both of Them

12.In banking , CDR cell is related to which of the following ?
(A)Corporate debts
(B)Corporate Credits
(C)Non performing assets

13.Which among the following is a appropriate investment plan for wage earners and unorganized workers?
(A)Systematic Investment Plan
(B)Fixed Deposits
(C)Short Term Deposits

14.Which of the following programme was conceived by RBI to fill the gap existing in the formal financial network and extending the outreach of banking to the poor?
(A)Core Banking Solutions
(B)SHG-Bank linkage programme
(C)Microfinance institutions

15.In which year RBI had introduced a Banking Ombudsman Scheme ?

16.The Securitization And Reconstruction Of Financial Assets And Enforcement Of Security Interest Act, 2002 deals with which of the following?
(A)Problems of Non Performing assets NPA
(B)Financial Inclusion
(C)NPA and Financial Institution

17.The government and RBI have resolved to set up a modern facility for producing paper for currency notes in the country. At present at which of the following places India has this facility which is said to be old?

18.The UP stock exchange which is an approved stock exchange in located at which of the following places?

19.Hang Seng is a share price index in which of the following share market?
(B)Hong Kong

20.MIBID and MOBID were launched by National Stock Exchange in which year as two reference rates for loans of Interbank Call Money Market?


  1. Anonymous

    September 16, 2009 at 2:54 am

    hey, wats d matter, i am unable to copy the text, dats not coool……..not at all……

  2. Anonymous

    September 16, 2009 at 3:07 am

    n yeah, i reckon u forgot that I can copy text in answer box, go on man, stop dat also, its very kind of you…….u……..

  3. the Y

    September 16, 2009 at 3:40 am

    Sir, believe me u will earn more goodwill and even material value from allowing us aspirants to copy stuff from here….u are building up an ocean of data for competition from which we can collect our little droplets!

    The ocean will not lose anything….

    – the Y

  4. sreedhar

    September 16, 2009 at 3:46 am

    Sir,ur website is simply amazing…my general knowledge is gettind upgraded day by day…thanks for ur efforts…i request u to post some questions like

    1)match the following
    2)which among the statements is/are true?
    3)assertions and reasons

    and similar type of questions asked in UPSC prelims

    it would be very helpful for us if u post such questions atleast once in a month since most of the followers are civil service aspirants…once again i thank u for the efforts…..

  5. the Y

    September 16, 2009 at 4:33 am

    Thank u very much for re-vitalizing the copying option on this site. I must say, with ur altruistic and perfectionist mannerisms, the country has lost out on a great administrator!

    But as they say, there are no accidents, just a purpose we dont know yet – may be this is ur purpose: to herald the biggest online revolution for this exam which has hitherto been untouched by internet…..

    Hats off n keep going….!


    – the Y

  6. sreedhar

    September 16, 2009 at 4:33 am

    sir,i also wish u to give four options for each question so that it would be much more competitive for us while taking the quiz…thanks and regards

  7. Rohit

    September 16, 2009 at 10:50 pm

    Point raised by Sridhar is very correct.
    Sir, could you post, questions like match the following, assertions and reasons, chronology of dates, etc. which come in UPSC-Prelims…
    It will help us a lot and gain more info from every question


  8. Anonymous

    September 17, 2009 at 3:34 am

    sir….i will be thankful to u if give guidelines regardng how to prepare for bank exam current affairs questions and if the quiz are in printable form it will be useful for us to recollect before exam.please do this favour

  9. Anonymous

    September 17, 2009 at 7:48 am

    Firstly i'd like to congratulate u fr such a successful website…your gesture is truly appreciated by everyone.
    Sir i'm giving the RBI grade B officer exam this year. So i'd like you to guide me on my last month preprations.What all materials n quizzes should i refer specifically for the exam.


  10. nisha

    September 17, 2009 at 7:50 am

    sir you are doing such a great job that thank you is not the suitable word for our gratitude towards you. so plz dnt pay attention to all these bad apples and keep it going on because you are the one of the reason of success achieved by your readers.

  11. shweta

    September 25, 2009 at 3:39 am

    Thank u veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy much sir.This is a very useful site for me as i have applied for the post of SBI clerks.Previously I used to fear a lot regarding the preparaton for general awareness.But this site removed my worry.Thank u sir…….

  12. richa

    October 3, 2009 at 11:14 am

    this site is very helpful for me.as i'm a aspirant of bank po.sir plz send some important questions regarding GS for RBI GRADE B OFFICERS EXAM which is going to be held on 11.10.09.plz help us by giving sone neccessary questions as soon as possible.i'shall be very grateful to u for this.plz concern on my mail……

  13. Anonymous

    October 3, 2009 at 9:54 pm

    hai this is ramya .thank u very much ur website 4 general knowledge is very useful 4 every one 2 increase dad to day knowledge .and i am very thankful 2 u because it is very useful for me to study for the bank exams.and i want more to learn for the bank sbi clerical exam so pls send me the material. and iam requesting u to seend some bank exam links and some match the following material thank u so much waiting for the reply

  14. Anonymous

    October 9, 2009 at 12:35 pm

    Excellent site!!!! keep uo the gud work…Sir, upload more gk material for sbi…And important questions for gk with repect to sbi…pls upload some basic concepts for marketing section for sbi…

  15. Anonymous

    October 16, 2009 at 1:39 am

    sir it would be great if you provide the download link of your mega quiz and as well daily quiz archives.. you are doing a great job..

  16. Manish Mandiwal

    October 21, 2009 at 2:02 pm

    thanks a lot sir.
    can u provide specific GK qn for IRMA and for other management entrance tests like IIFT and all.

  17. sreekanth

    November 4, 2009 at 2:42 am

    thank u sir

  18. Anonymous

    November 5, 2009 at 9:47 pm

    thank u lot sir…it's too god for me

  19. Anonymous

    November 6, 2009 at 7:19 am

    Thank You Very Much
    I found this website very useful for Bank Exam

  20. Anonymous

    December 2, 2009 at 9:01 pm

    please provide downloadable vrsions of all the quizes.


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