Quiz 125 : Recent Current Affairs

Here are some notes related to this quiz

1.Where will held the next G-20 in September 2009?
(C)New York

2.Recently Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni said “The content code issue will be discussed with all stakeholders and a solution to the problem worked out,” . Here the content code is primarily meant for _________?
(A)Newspapers & Print media
(B)Television News Channels
(C)Internet and Blogging

3.Recently we read in the newspapers that FICCI has suggested to cut key policy rates by at least 50 basis points to spur the sagging economy while presenting 100-day action plans to the government . Here Key Policy Rates include____?
(A)Bank Rate , Reverse Repo Rate and Repo Rate
(B)Cash Reserve Ratio, Repo Rate & Reverse Repo Rate
(C)Repo Rate & Reverse Repo Rate

4.Despite the manufacturing sector recording a dismal performance, India has managed to how much economic growth in 2008-09, as per recent datas released by government?
(A)6.7 %

5.Biotechnology firm Biocon recently launched its new product ‘Basalog’ . It is for treatment of _____?
(B)Heart Diseases

6.Recently, which state government announced it is formulating a policy for disposal of increasing amount of electronic waste (e-waste) in big cities?
(C)Uttar Pradesh

7.The organizers of Commonwealth Games will try to use the mega sporting event as a platform to promote India as a perfect destination for business. For this purpose which organization has joined hand with Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee ?

8.The special Investigation team constituted by Honorable supreme court of India is being headed by ________?
(A)R K Raghavan
(B)Justice Nanavati
(C)U C Banerjee

9.Who among the following is the first separatist to take part in electoral process in Kashmir?
(A)Sajjad Lone
(B)Ahsan Dar
(C)Yasin Malik

10.As per Balance of Payments data released by RBI for the Quarter ended 2008, what was India’s current account deficit ?
(A)$ 14.6 billion
(B)$4.6 billion
(C)$ 10 billion

11.From January to December 2008 , the increase in India’s foreign debt was ?
(A)$ 24.87 billion
(B)$ 20.18 billion
(C)$15.78 billion

12.Which currency has the largest fraction in India’s External Debt stock?
(B)US Dollar
(C)Indian Rupee

13.K C Chakrabarty is likely to take over as deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India as per a recent news. He has been associated with ?
(A)State bank of India
(B)Punjab National Bank
(C)Bank of India

14.Recently Hari Pandey, ICICI Bank president and CEO, wealth management, for the North American region, has been selected for Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce’s Corporate Executive of the Year Award. He founded ICICI bank in 2003 in ________?
(A)United States

15.How many companies are among the 500 top global companies for 2009 in terms of market capitalization as per a list released by the Financial Times?

16.In this list by Financial Times , which is the only company of India in top 100?
(B)Bharti Airtel

17.According to a survey in the annual Black Book of Outsourcing, as many as ________ Indian cities are among the world’s 25 riskiest places for off shoring.

18.Black Revolution is related to ?
(A)Edible oil
(B)Petroleum / Crude Oil
(C)Bio Diesel

19.Which among the following programs is being run in all districts of the nation?
(A)Navodaya Vidyalaya
(C)Sarva Shikhsha Abhiyan

20.The Buckingham Canal which was declared national waterway of India runs from _____?
(A)Cochin to Kozhikode
(B)Vijaywada to Villupuruam
(C)Kanya kumari to rameshwaram


  1. Sandeep

    June 5, 2009 at 4:54 am

    Hi Sir,

    I am starting preparation for BANK PO exam. I subscribed & also I am getting GK question. Please guide, how could I get success in this exam. Exam is going to take place on 23 Aug. This is Bank of Baroda exa. Please assist me.

  2. Admin

    June 5, 2009 at 5:09 am

    please follow at least current affairs quizzes and megaquizzes of this site. Current affairs mainly on banking and industry plays a big role in your PO exam. Take this blog as a supplement to your good preparation with others resources for verbal and nonverbal reasoning and english language.

  3. Sandeep

    June 7, 2009 at 9:53 pm

    Heartly thanks to you.

  4. Anonymous

    June 8, 2009 at 4:58 am

    A very very thanks for the providing such a good quiz.

  5. Anonymous

    June 9, 2009 at 2:46 am

    may i request you to post a answer key of MPSC (maharashtra pub. serv. commission) preliminery exam 2009 held on 31.05.2009.


  6. Yogesh Vaishnava

    June 11, 2009 at 6:14 am

    Sir, I am a just thinking to prepare for Bank PO. Would you guide me that which book will be appropriate to prepare GK/Current affairs. wether every bank have same exam curriculam? Please guide me…

  7. 10*s

    June 15, 2009 at 12:48 am

    hi sir me preparing for the bank PO can someone suggest me for the best institute for prepartion in delhi or ncr region…….n for GK this effort is worth of a applaus………

  8. anupam

    July 10, 2009 at 12:37 pm


    which sections should i concentrate for bank PO's?

  9. gaurav

    August 23, 2009 at 4:00 am

    gud questions

  10. Anonymous

    November 19, 2009 at 5:23 am

    I am a just thinking to prepare for MAT 09
    plz provied g.k for MAT.


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