Quiz 1032: GK Questions for NIACL Recruitment Exams

This quiz has 10 General Knowledge / GK Questions for NIACL Recruitment Exams based on syllabus of GK of Competition examinations and previous years question papers.

Which rock edict of Ashoka mentions the purpose of the rock edicts?
Which among the following was set up by Government of India in 1988 with objective of developing multi modal logistics support for India’s International and Domestic containerized cargo and trade?
Which of the following Lok Sabha had the shortest duration?
Consider the following: 
  1. Members of Foreign Services posted abroad
  2. Members of Armed Forces
  3. Civil Servants on Election Duty
  4. Indian Nationals settled abroad
Which among the above are entitled to exercise their vote through Postal Ballot? 
Which of the following is / are incorrect pairs regarding classification of biodiversity? 
  1. Alpha diversity - Between-community diversity
  2. Beta diversity - Within-Community diversity
  3. Gamma diversity - Overall Biodiversity
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
What will be the work done in holding a 25 kg iron plate for 25 seconds?
What is the angle of contact for pure water and glass?
Which of the following is the smallest high-speed storage area in the CPU?
Which article of Indian Constitution has the provision for National Emergency?
At what temperature (in degree celsius), the numerical values on Celsius and Fahrenheit scales become equal?

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