Quami Ekta Week (National Integration Week) 2016

The Qaumi Ekta Week (National Integration Week) will be observed all over the country from 19th to 25th November, 2016.
The week long programmes under it with a view to foster and reinforce the spirit of Communal Harmony, National Integration and pride in vibrant, composite culture and nationhood.
Purpose of the observation

  • Highlight the inherent strength and resilience of the India and to withstand actual and potential threats to the eclectic and secular fabric of our country. It also seeks to
  • Provide an opportunity to reaffirm age old traditions and faith in the values of tolerance, co-existence and brotherhood in a multi-cultural and multi-religious society.

Key Facts

  • November 19: It will be observed as National Integration Day. Based on themes of secularism, anti-communalism and non-violence programmes like meetings, symposia and seminars will be organized.
  • November 20: It will be observed as Welfare of Minorities Day. On this day, items of the 15 Point Programme will be emphasized.
  • November 21: It will be observed as Linguistic Harmony Day. To enable people of each region to appreciate the linguistic heritage of other parts of India programmes like Special literary functions and Kavi Sammelans will be organized.
  • November 22: It will be observed as Weaker Sections Day. Help SCs/STs and weaker sections with particular emphasis on the distribution of surplus land to landless labourers.
  • November 23: It will be observed as Cultural Unity Day. Various cultural functions will be organized to present the Indian tradition of unity in diversity and for promoting cultural conservation and integration.
  • November 24: It will be observed as Women’s Day. It will highlight the importance of Women in Indian Society and their role in development of nation-building.
  • November 25: It will be observed as Conservation Day. It will give emphasise to the growing need for awareness and action to conserve the environment.
  • On the concluding day, National Foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH) will organise Communal Harmony Campaign and Communal Harmony Flag Day.

NFCH is an autonomous organisation of the Union Ministry of Home Affairs. It promotes Communal Harmony and strengthens National Integration. It also provides financial assistance for relief and rehabilitation of children rendered orphan or destitute in communal, caste, ethnic or terrorist violence.


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