Quad Nations launch Quad Cyber Challenge

The QUAD Countries India, Australia, the US, and Japan recently launched the Quad Cyber Challenge. The main objective is to improve cyber security in the four countries. It is basically a competition. Any internet user from the Indo-Pacific region can participate in the challenge. National Security Council will be the Indian representative at the QUAD in implementing the challenge.

Focus of the challenge

Multi-factor authentication, routine security updates, identity checks, changing passphrases regularly, identifying phishing, online scams, etc.

Role of QUAD in the challenge

QUAD will provide the resources for the participating professionals. Also, QUAD will provide training to selected professionals from educational institutions and corporations before they participate in the challenge.

Resilient Cyberspace

The main objective of the challenge is to create a resilient cyberspace. Cyberspace is the internet platform where people share information, and engage in conversations, and other social media activities. Ransomware attacks, malware, software vulnerabilities, AI attacks, etc are the major challenges faced by cyberspace today. Other challenges are clickjacking, denial of service attacks, spyware, a man-in-the-middle attack, etc.



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