Project Mausam 

Project Mausam is an initiative by the Indian Ministry of Culture and the Archaeological Survey of India that aims to renew engagement between India and the nations along the Indian Ocean littoral. The project focuses on identifying, documenting and nominating ancient port cities in the Indian Ocean region as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The project is aimed to restore India’s ancient maritime routes and cultural links with republics in the region. This project emphasizes on the natural wind phenomenon, particularly monsoon winds used by Indian sailors in ancient times for maritime trade, that has formed relations amongst nations and groups linked by the Indian Ocean. Project Mausam purposes to determine the versatile Indian Ocean “world” — expanding from East Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka to the Southeast Asian archipelago.


The key objectives of Project Mausam are:

  • To revive historic maritime and economic ties with the 39 countries bordering the Indian Ocean.
  • To bring together historians and archaeological experts to document the diverse economic, social and cultural interactions between these countries over time.
  • To promote research on ancient maritime routes crisscrossing the Indian Ocean.

Salient Features

  • The project is implemented by the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts in New Delhi as the nodal agency.
  • The Archaeological Survey of India and National Museum are associate bodies supporting implementation.
  • It aims to reconnect communications between 39 Indian Ocean countries.
  • It will enhance understanding of shared cultural values and boost economic ties.
  • It will elucidate national cultures in the regional maritime domain.
  • Sites identified will be marked for transnational nomination as UNESCO World Heritage.

Key Beneficiaries

The main beneficiaries of Project Mausam are:

  • India and other Indian Ocean countries who stand to gain more sites on the UNESCO list.
  • Historians who can identify and study major historical sites and routes.
  • Local populations who will benefit from increased tourism.


  • Regular meetings are held at the India International Centre in New Delhi.
  • A major international conference was held in February 2015 with research partners.
  • The IGNCA gathers data from identified institutes and organizations.
  • ASI and National Museum support implementation.


Project Mausam holds significance because it will:

  • Strengthen connections with other Indian Ocean countries.
  • Increase the number, linkages and networks of World Heritage sites.
  • Redefine the cultural landscape by filling gaps in sites.
  • Provide a holistic perspective on ancient and contemporary connections.
  • Identify maritime routes for cross-national nominations and heritage tourism.

By documenting ancient port cities and maritime routes, Project Mausam seeks to highlight the shared history and long-standing cultural linkages between India and other nations along the Indian Ocean littoral. The project aims to bring people closer by reviving connections across borders.

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