Project ‘Decarbonising Transport in India’ will be launched on 24th June

For reducing the carbon dioxide emission caused due to transportation in the country, NITI Aayog will launch the project ‘Decarbonising Transport in India’ on 24th June 2020. The project is in collaboration with the International Transport Forum (ITF).

Objective of the Project

To meet the goals related to climate/ climate change in the country, it is essential for the Government to work on reducing the emission of Greenhouse Gases. Through this project, an assessment framework will be designed that will be tailor-made for transport emissions in India.

This framework will provide the Government with much needed detailed inputs on the current and future transport challenges that are related to carbon dioxide emission. Based on the outcomes from the project, a pathway towards a low carbon transport system in India will be created.

DTEE Project

India’s Decarbonising Transport initiative is a part of the DTEE project. DTEE stands for Decarbonising Transport in Emerging Economies. DTEE is a project of ITF under which apart from India, currently Argentina, Morocco, and Azerbaijan are the participants.

Under the DTEE project, ITF aims to create a common assessment framework for the decarbonising transportation system for several transport sub-sectors and transport modes. This framework will be created based on the inputs from the participating countries and their specific model in decarbonising transport.

International Transport Forum (ITF)

ITF is a think tank for transport policy issues. It is headquartered in Paris, France. It is an intergovernmental organization with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCED).


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