President Pranab Mukherjee inaugurates 50th anniversary of India’s first historic climb of Mt. Everest in 1965

President Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated the 50th Anniversary of India’s first historic climb of Mt. Everest in 1965 at a function held at Rashtrapati Bhavan.
This function was organized by the Indian Mountaineering Foundation (IMF) to celebrate the historic climb of Mt. Everest in 1965 by an Indian team led by Captain Mohan Singh Kohli.
On this day in 1965, Indian team of 21 mountaineers led by Captain M S Kohli of Indian Navy had successfully climbed world’s highest peak Mt. Everest (8848 m) after a series of three unsuccessful attempts in five years.
The function was attended by nine surviving members of the 1965 expedition including Capt MS Kohli, Maj. H.P.S. Ahluwalia, Col Narinder Kumar, Sonam Wangyal, C P Vohra, G S Bhangu, Brigadier Mulk Raj, Dr Lala Telang and   Gurdial Singh.
It should be noted that during 1965 expedition Nawang Gombu, the Sherpa who was the member of the team at that time had created record by climbing to the summit twice. For first time he had climbed to the peak in 1963 with an American expedition team.


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