Prep Quiz 3

1. What is Satyam Case?

On December 16 last year, Satyam Computers, which has been re branded Mahindra Satyam, held a board meeting at which it proposed to pump just under Rs 8,000 crore (Rs 80 billion) properties and Maytas Infra, controlled by the same promoter group as Satyam, in exchange for controlling equity. The proposal stirred a hornets’ nest leading to Raju’s confession of overstating profits that unleashed arguably the biggest corporate scandal in the country.

2. What were the main causes of failure of 1857 mutiny?

Poor organisation and lack of unity was one of the main reasons. There was a lack of complete nationalism as Scindia, Holkars and Nizam and others actively helped the British. There was a lack of Coordination between Sepoys, peasants, zamindars and other classes.

3. What was cabinet mission plan?
The decisive phase of independence struggle had started in 1945-46. At that time cabinet mission visited India and met the representatives of different political parties. This mission envisaged the establishment of Constituent assembly to frame the constitution. Cabinet mission also envisaged the interim government.

4. In which year India and China established diplomatic relations after the Indo China war of 1962?

What is Dendrochronology? ?

Dendro is a latin word means tree. Dendrochronology is tree-ring dating which is a scientific method of dating based on the analysis of patterns of tree-rings. It is based upon the Growth rings or tree rings or annual rings which can be seen in a horizontal cross section cut through the trunk of a tree. Growth rings are the result of new growth in the vascular cambium, a lateral meristem, and are synonymous with secondary growth. Visible rings result from the change in growth speed through the seasons of the year, thus one ring usually marks the passage of one year in the life of the tree

6. Which of the pure water and boiling water has higher boiling point?
The impurities and salt in the sea water elevate its boiling point so it has a boiling point higher than the sea water. When cooking dal some salt is added to the water which elevates the boiling point of the water and ultimately results in cooking the dal sooner. Apart from this cooking in pressure cooker is quick because increased pressure also elevates the boiling point.

7. Who is known to classify the human blood in 4 groups?

K Landsteiner

8. What is nominal capital ?

Nominal capital or registered capital commonly known as authorized capital is the amount of the share capital fixed in the Memorandum of Association and the article of association of the company as required by the companies act .

9. What is Ekistics? (SNAP -2009)
It is a science of Human settlements and encompasses with urban planning, architecture, human geography and aesthetics.

10. Who were the president and vice president of the Interim Government of 1946?10
Lord Wavell (Governor General ) was the president and Pandit jawahar Lal Nehru was the vice president and Member in-charge of External affairs and Commonwealth Relations Department .

11.What is position of India’s Economy in the world?11

The Indian economy is currently the 12th largest in the world. That is, India’s gross domestic product stands at $1.217 trillion. However, in terms of purchasing power parity, India is the world’s fourth largest economy. Its GDP in purchasing power parity terms is at $3.388 trillion.India is the one of the world’s fastest growing economies, yet its annual per capita income remains low at $1,070.

12. What is the size of United States Economy?
United States is world’s Number 1 Economy. The American GDP stands at $14.204 trillion, making the country the world’s largest economy.In terms of purchasing power parity too, the United States is the world’s leading economy. However, its per capita income at $47,580, per year which is 14th spot in the world.


  1. DIVYA

    December 26, 2009 at 6:34 pm

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  2. Anonymous

    December 29, 2009 at 3:46 am

    undoubtedly the best ever site, as it has all the answers and questions required to be prepared for any kind of a competitive exam, great work!!!


  3. vivek

    January 26, 2010 at 6:37 am

    please edit the answer for question no. 6

  4. komalsahu

    May 22, 2011 at 7:56 am

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