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Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – May 10, 2022 [Mock Test]

1. Which of the following countries has banned questions probing the ”immoral character” of rape victims? [A] Nepal[B] Bangladesh[C] Sri Lanka[D] Myanmar Show Answer Correct Answer: B [Bangladesh] Notes: Bangladesh bans questions probing the “immoral character” of rape victims in ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – May 08-09, 2022 [Mock Test]

1. Which of the following initiatives have been introduced in India to tackle e-waste? Extended Producer Responsibility Design for Environment Reduce, Reuse, Recycle platform Select the correct answer using the codes given below: [A] Only 1 & 2[B] Only 2 ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – May 07 , 2022 [Mock Test]

1. Which of the following oceanic trenches are located in Pacific Ocean? Manila Trench Mariana Trench South Sandwich Trench Sunda Trench Select the correct answer using the codes given below: [A] Only 1 & 2[B] Only 1, 2 & 3[C] ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – May 06, 2022 [Mock Test]

1. Which of the following countries have banned death sentence for all crimes? Chad Burkino Faso Saudi Arabia Madagascar Choose the correct answer using the codes given below: [A] Only 1, 2 & 3[B] Only 2, 3 & 4[C] Only ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – May 5, 2022 [Mock Test]

1. Which of the following elements is/are used in the production of semiconductors? Neon Palladium Choose the correct answer using the codes given below: [A] Only 1[B] Only 2[C] Both 1 & 2[D] Neither 1 nor 2 Show Answer Correct ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – May 4, 2022 [Mock Test]

1. India is a party to which of the following conventions? Geneva Convention Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Montreux Convention Convention on Cluster Munition Select the correct answer using the codes given below: [A] Only 1[B] Only 1 ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – May 03, 2022 [Mock Test]

1. Consider the following: Blue shield symbol signifies cultural sites protected by United Nations. 1954 Hague Convention protects cultural sites during armed conflict. Israel and USA are not UNESCO’s members. The International Committee of the Red Cross won four Nobel ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – May 01-02, 2022 [Mock Test]

1. Consider the following statements: The three seas initiative involves Baltic Sea, Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Bucharest Nine is a group of non-NATO countries. Membership of GRECO (Group of States against Corruption) is open to non-European states also. The ..