The Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently chaired the 33rd PRGATI interaction. During the meeting, projects worth of Rs 1.41 lakh crores were reviewed. These projects were taken up by DPIIT, Ministry of Railways, Power Minister and Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways.

What is PRAGATI?

PRAGATI is Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation. It aims to provide pro-active governance and timely implementation of projects. It was launched in 2015. It is a multi-modal and multi-purpose platform that aims to address the grievances of a common man. It also monitors and reviews projects of Government of India and also projects flagged by the State Governments.

What are the technologies used by PRAGATI?

The PRAGATI platform bundles three latest technologies namely video conferencing, Digital data management and Geo-spatial technology.

How does PRAGATI promote Cooperative Federalism?

PRAGATI offers the combination of the above three technologies in the direction of cooperative federalism. Using these three technologies the PRAGATI platform brings the Secretaries of Government of India and the Chief Secretaries of the Sate on one stage. Thus, it binds the state and Centre together and thereby promotes Cooperative Federalism.

What are the Key Features of PRAGATI?

PRAGATI is a three-tier system that includes the Prime Minister Office, GoI secretaries and Chief Secretaries of the state. Under PRAGATI, the Prime Minister will hold a monthly programme in which he will interact with the secretaries through video conferencing.

The programme is held once in every month, which is on fourth Wednesday. This day is called “PRAGATI Day”. On this day based on the database from public grievances, pending projects and ongoing programmes, the issues are flagged before the Prime Minister. The data bases are collected from Project monitoring groups and Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.

Who designed PRAGATI platform?

The PRAGATI platform was designed by the Prime Minister Office in collaboration with the National Informatics Centre.

What are the objectives of PRAGATI?

The three main objectives of PRAGATI are grievance redressal, project monitoring and project implementation.

Pros and Cons of PRAGATI

PRAGATI is robust system. It brings e-accountability and e-transparency.

On the other hand, the direct interaction between the Prime Minister and the state secretaries undermines the state political executive as it does not involve the political executive of the states. Also, the platform is being criticized that it is leading to concentration of power with that of the Prime Minister Office

Progress of PRAGATI

So far, the Prime Minister has chaired 32 meetings reviewing 275 projects that were worth of Rs 12.5 lakh crores. It included 47 schemes and programmes across seventeen sectors.


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