Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY)

Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PAGY) is a flagship scheme of the Government of India that was launched in 2010 for integrated development of model villages across the country. The aim is to develop villages that have a substantial Scheduled Caste population into ‘Adarsh Grams’ or ideal villages through convergence of various developmental initiatives.

Objectives and Scope

The main objectives of PAGY are:

  • Holistic development of model villages that exemplify all-round progress across social, economic, cultural, and environmental parameters.
  • Convergence of different Central and State government schemes and programs for optimized utilization of resources.
  • Infrastructure development through building of roads, housing, community assets, school buildings etc.
  • Empowerment of marginalized sections like Scheduled Castes.
  • Participation of women and youth in village governance and decision making.

The scheme covers villages across India with a significant population of Scheduled Castes. The goal is to motivate neighboring villages to emulate the development model.

Key Features

Some of the key features of PAGY are:

  • Integrated development across sectors like health, education, sanitation, skill training, food security etc. through convergence of related government schemes.
  • Building physical infrastructure like concrete roads, LED street lighting, individual toilets, school buildings, anganwadi centers, playgrounds etc.
  • Formulating Village Development Plans through gram sabhas to identify needs.
  • Promoting social development through SHGs, management committees, youth clubs etc.
  • Access to entitlements and benefits for SCs and disadvantaged sections.
  • Capacity building and training for effective implementation.

Implementation Framework

PAGY is implemented through an institutional framework at national, state, district, and village levels.

  • At Centre, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment anchors the scheme.
  • In states, nodal implementation agencies are identified.
  • District Collector is key functionary for coordination and implementation.
  • Gram panchayats prepare Village Development Plan and implement activities.
  • Villagers’ participation through gram sabhas.

Adequate funds are provided by Central and State governments. The scheme promotes community ownership and sustainability of assets created.

Progress and Impact

PAGY has made significant progress over the years:

  • As of 2022, over 16,000 villages across India have been selected under PAGY.
  • Physical infrastructure like roads, LED lights, individual toilets etc. have been built in thousands of villages.
  • Marginalized sections have gained access to benefits and entitlements.
  • Women and youth are participating more actively in village planning and development.

This has resulted in improvement in overall quality of life and economic opportunities in PAGY villages. It has also inspired neighboring villages to adopt similar development models.


Some key challenges in effective implementation of PAGY remain:

  • Ensuring coordination between different government departments and agencies.
  • Timely availability of funds.
  • Maintaining quality of assets and works.
  • Continued community participation post project completion.
  • Convergence of all relevant schemes in selected villages.

Way Forward

To fully realize the objectives of PAGY and create ideal model villages, the following steps need to be taken:

  • Strengthen coordination through regular review meetings between stakeholders.
  • Use technology for better planning, monitoring and transparency.
  • Ensure timely disbursement of funds to villages.
  • Institutionalize community participation through gram sabhas and SHGs.
  • Focus on maintenance of assets created and continued scheme convergence.
  • Document and disseminate best practices across states.

With these measures, PAGY can truly achieve its vision of holistic and inclusive development of model villages for the rural population.

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