Post Intensive Care Syndrome

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, reports pointed out that several of the recovering patients who required ICU treatment are experiencing PICS.


The Post Intensive Care Syndrome or PICS is a collection of health conditions comprising of impairment in cognition, physical function and psychological health in persons who had been treated in ICU facilities. More than 6% of the COVID-19 cases turn critical according to WHO- China Joint Mission report. Many of them require ICU treatment and hence face a risk of developing PICS.


Some of the symptoms of PICS includes neuromuscular weakness (ICU acquired neuromuscular weakness), depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), decreased mobility, fatigue, sleep disturbances, sexual dysfunction, etc.


PICS develop due to various causes like prolonged use of mechanical ventilation, experience of sepsis, multiple organ failure and prolonged duration of ‘bed-restore deep sedation’. 33% of people on ventilators develop ICU acquired muscle weakness. It also manifests in 50% of people who experienced sepsis. 50% of patients experience ICUAW if the duration of stay in ICU is a week or more.

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