Pope’s Amendment of Church Law

Pope Francis recently changed the Church laws to allow women to do more things during Mass. The law that defines proceedings during Mass and in Altar is called Code of Canon Law. This law has now been amended to allow women to serve in Altar.

Can women become priests under the new laws?


What are the amendments made to the Code of Canon Law?

  • The new amendments will allow women to do more things during Mass.
  • Women can read the Gospel and serve at the Altar as ministers. Previously such roles were reserved only to men.
  • Women can be allowed to play the role of Lectors and Acolytes. Lectors are persons who reads lessons in a church service. An Acolyte is a person assisting the celebrant in a religious service or procession.

Pope Francis has created a second study commission to study if women could be deacons. The first commission failed to reach a consensus.

What is Code of Canon Law?

The Code of Canon Law is the code of ecclesiastical laws that govern the Catholic Church.

It is also called the Johanno-Pauline Code. It is the fundamental laws of Latin Church. It was promulgated by John Paul II and took legal effect in 1983. It replaced the Code of Canon Law, 1917. The Code of Canon Law was promulgated by Benedict XV.

Which was the first Code of Canon Law?

The Code of Canon Law, 1917 promulgated by Benedict XV was the first.

What is Canon?

It is the Greek word for rule.

Who are controlled by the Code of Canon Law?

Only those who are baptized in the Catholic Church are bound by the laws. It does not apply to travelers or locals who are not baptized.

What is Baptism?

Baptism is the Christian religious rite of sprinkling water to a person’s forehead symbolizing purification and admission to the Christian Church.


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