PM Modi launches “MyGov” web platform to get citizens' ideas for governance

A new web platform – MyGov– launched by PM Narendra Modi will now make it much easier for the common man and experts from different fields to reach out to the government with their ideas and suggestions.
The web platform –– allows the citizens to discuss their ideas with experts within and outside the government and even earn “credit points” for the tasks which would eventually be approved for implementation by concerned departments\agencies.
The platform will enable flow of ideas\suggestions on various issues including different projects like cleaning the river Ganga, education of girl child and job creation.
PM Modi is of the view that the step would enhance people’s participation by bridging the gap between the people and the processes of governance. During his past sixty days as PM he observed that there were many people who wanted to contribute towards nation-building, and devote their time and energy for good governance.
How does MyGov work?
The web platform provides an opportunity to the citizens to both ‘Discuss’ and ‘Do’. There are several theme-based discussions on MyGov where a wide range of people would exchange their thoughts and ideas. Besides, any idea shared by a contributor will also be discussed on these discussion forums, facilitating constructive feedback and interaction. For those who intend to go beyond discussions and wish to contribute on the ground, the MyGov offers several options to do so. Citizens can volunteer for various tasks and submit their entries.
Other members and experts would review these tasks. Once approved, these tasks can be shared by those who complete the task and by other members on MyGov. Every approved task would earn credit points for completing the task.
The platform has been divided into various groups namely Clean Ganga, Girl Child Education, Clean India, Skilled India, Digital India, Job Creation. Each group consists of online and on-ground tasks that can be taken up by the contributors. The objective of each group is to bring about a qualitative change in that domain through people’s participation.
MyGov would also be used as a comprehensive knowledge repository, giving insights from the sharpest and brightest minds across.
The web platform will be managed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC), Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY).



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