PM Modi Inaugurates India Mobile Congress 2024 and ITU-WTSA

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will officially open two major events at the Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi: the International Telecommunication Union – World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (ITU-WTSA) and the 8th edition of the India Mobile Congress (IMC). This is a special occasion as it is the first time India and the Asia-Pacific region will host the ITU-WTSA.

What is ITU-WTSA and Why is it Important?

The ITU-WTSA is a major conference held by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a United Nations agency focused on digital technologies and communication. This event, held every four years, is crucial for setting global standards for new technologies. Over 3,000 leaders from industries, governments, and technology sectors from more than 190 countries will gather to discuss and agree on important standards for the future. These include new technologies like 6G (the next step after 5G), Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and cybersecurity.

Why is Hosting ITU-WTSA Important for India?

By hosting the ITU-WTSA, India gets a chance to play a leading role in shaping the future of global telecom and technology standards. It allows Indian companies, especially startups and research institutions, to learn about important issues like Intellectual Property Rights and Standard Essential Patents. This can help India stay ahead in the fast-moving digital world and make an impact on global technology trends.

What is India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2024?

The India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2024 is Asia’s largest forum for digital technology. This event showcases the latest innovations from India and other parts of the world. More than 400 exhibitors and 900 startups from over 120 countries will be participating. The event will highlight advancements in cutting-edge areas like quantum technology, the circular economy, and 6G.

Key Activities at IMC 2024

The IMC 2024 will present over 900 technology demonstrations, host more than 100 discussion sessions, and feature over 600 speakers from around the world and India. It is a key platform for industry professionals to showcase new solutions, share knowledge, and build valuable connections.

These two events provide India with a significant opportunity to showcase its growing role in global technology while shaping the future of telecommunications and digital innovations.



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