The Indian government recently announced the establishment of seven PM MITRA Parks in Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh. These parks are inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s 5F vision, which aims to boost the Indian textile industry from farm to fashion to foreign markets.

The PM MITRA scheme was announced in October 2021, and the parks are expected to be set up by 2026-27, with a total outlay of ₹4,445 crore. The initial allocation in the 2023-24 Budget is only ₹200 crore, but the government expects the parks to attract crores of investment and create lakhs of jobs.

Integrated Value Chain and Job Creation

The PM MITRA Parks will function as centers of opportunity, creating an integrated textiles value chain. They will offer everything from spinning, weaving, processing, dyeing, and printing to garment manufacturing, all at a single location. This integrated approach is expected to enhance the competitiveness of the textiles industry by helping it achieve economies of scale and attracting global players to manufacture in India.

Selection Process

Out of 18 proposals for PM MITRA parks from 13 states, the eligible sites were evaluated using a transparent challenge method based on objective criteria, taking into account factors such as connectivity, existing ecosystem, textile/industry policy, infrastructure, utility services, and more. The PM Gati Shakti- National Master Plan for Multi-modal Connectivity was also used for validation.

Financing and Implementation

The Ministry of Textiles will oversee the execution of these projects. An SPV owned by the Centre and State Government will be set up for each park, which will oversee the implementation of the project. The Ministry of Textiles will provide financial support in the form of Development Capital Support up to ₹500 crore per park to the Park SPV. Competitive Incentive Support up to ₹300 crore per park to the units in PM MITRA Park shall also be provided to incentivize speedy implementation.

State governments will provide contiguous and encumbrance-free land parcel of at least 1000 acres of land and will also facilitate provision of all utilities, Reliable Power Supply and Water availability and Waste Water Disposal system, an effective single window clearance as well as a conducive and stable industrial/textile policy.

The parks will offer an excellent infrastructure, plug-and-play facilities, as well as training and research facilities for the industry.

PM MITRA Parks represent a unique model where the Centre and State Governments will work together to increase investment, promote innovation, create job opportunities, and ultimately make India a global hub for textile manufacturing and exports. Nearly ₹70,000 crore investment and 20 lakhs employment generation is envisaged through these parks.



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