Partners Forum 2018

Fourth edition of Partners’ Forum will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 12th December in New Delhi. The two day international conference will be hosted by government of India in association with Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and child Health (PMNCH). Total 1500 participants from across 8 countries will participate to talk about the improvement in the health and well being of women, children and adolescents.

Key Facts

The programme will be framed on the objective of Survive – Thrive – Transform. The forum is aimed to explore the findings of 12 success factors case studies which shows how the countries are working towards the improvement of women’s and children health. The forum will showcase learnings from six regions on six thematic areas:

  1. Early childhood Development – Germany and Chile
  2. Adolescent Health and Wellbeing – USA and Indonesia
  3. Quality, Equity and Dignity in services – India and Cambodia
  4. Sexual and Reproductive Health – Malawi and Malaysia
  5. Empowerment of women, Girls and communities – South Africa and Guatemala
  6. Humanitarian and fragile settings – Sierra Leone and Afghanistan


The global health partnership, Partners’ Forum was launched in September 2005 to reduce the child and maternal mortality, and improve adolescent, child, newborn and maternal health.  Many countries around the globe joined forum to achieve the objective. Earlier editions of forum were held in – Tanzania (2007), India (2010), South Africa (2014).

PMNCH’s mission

The mission supports the global health community to work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Goal 3 of SDG is to achieve good health and well-being for people.


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