Parantaka Chola I

The foundation of the Chola Kingdom by Vijayalaya and Aditya Chola-I was further enhanced by Parantaka Chola I. His reign was from 907 AD to 955 AD. Just three years of ascending to the throne, he attacked the Pandyas and captured Madura, and assumed the title Madurakonda. The Pandya King was Maravarman Rajsimha II. Maravarman Rajsimha II prayed the King of Ceylon for help, who sent an army for aid to Maravarman Rajsimha II. However, Parantaka Chola defeated the combined army badly. Maravarman Rajsimha II fled to Ceylon and whole of Madura and Pandya Territory was merged in Chola kingdom. This victory earned him the title of Maduraiyum Elamum Konda Parakesarivarman (The conqueror of Madura and Ceylon). Apart from this major war, Parantaka-I also led some other minor wars. His 48 years reign was otherwise peaceful and prosperous. When he died in 955 AD, his second son Gandaraditya Chola succeeded him. This is because, Rajaditya, the son and successor of Parantaka, was killed in battle with Krishnaraja I, the Rashtrakuta king, in 949 A. D.

Gandaraditya Chola was insignificant ruler and
30 years from 955 AD i.e. 985 AD, the Chola Country was ruled by 5 Chola princes, all insignificant. Finally, in 985 AD Rajaraja Chola I ascended the Throne.

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