Orcas Sinking Boats: Scientists Investigate Unusual Behavior

A yacht was sunk by orcas in May 2023, 22.5 kilometers off the coast of Morocco in the Strait of Gibraltar. Two crew members were saved in a dramatic escape. This is not the first time something like this has happened. In November 2023, orcas attacked the stern of a yacht for almost 45 minutes, causing the boat to sink near the Tanger Med port. People have been noticing this pattern of behavior getting worse since 2020. It shows that orcas are especially going after yachts and boats.

Rise in Orca and Boat Interactions

Since 2020, when the first rise was seen, the GT Atlantic Orca (GTOA) research group has kept track of over 700 interactions between orcas and boats. Usually, these kinds of meetings happen near the Strait of Gibraltar, which is a busy sea route where ships from Spain, Portugal, and Morocco often go. Scientists and government leaders from many countries have come together to respond to this rise in cases.

Theories Exploring Orcas’ Motivations

People have come up with two main ideas about why orcas might be going after boats:

  1. Playful Interaction: Because orcas are smart and naturally curious, some young ones may have learned to push or control boat rudders and do this over and over again.
  2. Traumatic Responses: Some orcas may have changed how they act because of traumatic experiences with boats or fishing gear. They may have learned to associate boats with these bad memories and act in a way that matches those memories.

Implications for Safety and Conservation

The ongoing interactions between orcas and boats are not only dangerous for people, but they are also hard for the orca groups involved in terms of conservation. If the disturbances keep happening, it could change their natural behavior and habitat in the long term. This means that we need to find a balanced way to deal with the problem while still making sure that maritime operations are safe. With information from recent events and ongoing studies, this knowledgebase tries to give a complete and up-to-date picture of the situation.



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