One Nation One Registration and DILRMP

During the budget presentation, the finance minister Smt Nirmala Sitaraman introduced the One Nation One Registration scheme. This will increase the easing of doing business and also will improve the ease of living.

About the scheme

The scheme will bring upon uniform registration process throughout the country. No matter where the registration is being made, be it land registration or vehicle registration or any other registration, the same process will be followed throughout the country. Registration shall be made anywhere in the country. There will be no state barriers. It will adopt a 3C formula. The formula focuses on Central of Records, Convenience of Records and Collection of Records. 14 – digit unique number is to be allocate to the land. The number is to be called the “Aadhaar number of the land”. In order to implement the scheme, the Government is to link the National Generic Document Registration system with One Nation One Registration scheme.


DILRMP is Digital India Land Record Modernisation Programme. Under the programme, the Government of India has so far digitised 90% of land records in the country. This has been achieved in 24 states. It was launched in 2008 as National Land Records Modernization Programme. It was recently renamed by the Modi government as DILRMP. Two scheme namely Strengthening of Revenue Administration and updating of land records and Computerization of Land records were merged under the scheme. The DILRMP has information about land use, parcel ownership, location boundaries, taxation, land value, encumbrances, etc. 75,000 compliances were eliminated so far. And 1,486 laws were revoked to increase ease of living.


The One Nation One registration system will reduce the delay in payment. Also, it will help in achieving complete paperless end to end ebill system. This will reduce issues around buying and selling of lands. It provides real – time ownership of the lands. It will save the valuable time of the citizens. It will reduce the interface between government functionaries and citizens. Thus the system will reduce harassment.



1 Comment

  1. V. Loganathan

    February 5, 2022 at 10:24 am

    I presume the Scheme is only optional to States


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