‘One Health’ panel set up to advise on Animal Disease Risks

World Health Organization along with three other international bodies have set up a team of experts who will help in developing a global plan on preventing the spread of diseases from animals to humans.

One Health High-Level Expert Panel

This initiative was launched by France and Germany in 2020, but held its first meeting in May 2021. The panel will advise WHO, World Organization for Animal Health, Food & Agriculture Organization, and United Nations Environment Programme on developing “risk assessment & surveillance frameworks” and help in establishing a “good practices to prevent and prepare for zoonotic outbreaks like Covid-19”.

Functions of the Panel

Panel will look after the potential transmission risks in food production & distribution, urbanisation & construction of infrastructure, international travel & trade and activities leading to biodiversity loss & climate change.

Why this panel was set up?

Panel was set up in the backdrop of outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. It is believed that, coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 virus was originated in wildlife trading networks in China and southeast Asia. Closest genetic match of coronavirus has been found in bats.

What are Zoonotic Outbreaks?

Zoonotic disease or Outbreak is an infectious disease, transmitted between species from animals to humans or from humans to animals.


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