October 13: International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction – Update (October, 2022)

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction is observed each year on October 13.

Key facts

  • The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction aims to promote the international awareness about disaster risks and preparedness.
  • It also recognizes the efforts of individuals and communities towards minimizing their vulnerabilities to disasters.
  • The theme for International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 is Early Warning.
  • Early Warning is the Target G of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.
  • Target G seeks to boost access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessment to people by the end of this decade.
  • The theme focuses on the importance of covering every individual across the world with early warning systems against disasters that can be detected early on.
  • Early warming provided 24 hours before the disaster strike minimises the damage by 30 per cent.


The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction was first established by the UNGA in 1989 to promote the global culture of disaster risk mitigation and increase awareness about various risks posed by disasters. In 2002, another UNGA resolution was passed to mark this day every year.


Disaster risk reduction efforts are gaining prominence amid the surging global population and exacerbation of climate crisis. Risk reduction systems are being created to minimize loss of life and properties. Over the years, they have significantly reduced the casualties during disaster situations.

About Sendai Framework

The main objective of the Sendai Framework aims to prevent new risks, mitigate the existing ones and boost resilience. It provides member states with concrete blueprint for the protection of the developmental gains from disaster risks. It focuses on measures that can be taken to address three dimensions of disaster risks – exposure to hazards, vulnerability and capacity and hazard’s characteristics. It recognizes that states play the primary role in reducing risks of disasters and that the responsibilities must be shared by local government, private sector and other stakeholders.



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