Ocean State Forecast Services (OSFS)

National Geoscience Award for the year 2014 was presented recently to an INCOIS team for developing Ocean Forecast and Information System for maritime safety. Here are important facts about the same.

When OSFS was started?

To forewarn about hazardous oceanic situations and ensure safe navigation and operations at sea, Earth System Science Organisation – Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (ESSO-INCOIS) established the integrated INDian Ocean FOrecasting System (INDOFOS), integrating existing forecasts of ocean wave and the surface and subsurface parameters of the Indian Ocean in 2010.

What type of information is provided by OSFS?

The OSFS provide advance information on vital parameters like wave heights, remotely generated waves (swells), sea surface currents, sea surface temperature, wind speed and direction, depth of 20 degree isotherm, mixed layer depth (MLD), astronomical tides, oil spill trajectory, ocean surface winds etc. seven days in advance with daily updates.

The forecasts are generated by numerical models, which are then evaluated using indigenously developed real-time observational systems, and are customized to simulate and predict the Indian Ocean features. The generated forecasts are grouped under four categories- global, regional, location-specific and coastal forecasts. The forecasts are available for Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Northern Indian Ocean, Southern Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Persian Gulf and South China Sea. The forecasts have also been extended to Maldives, Sri Lanka and Seychelles in collaboration with the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia.

Who benefits from the data?

The early warnings are crucial for planning and executing a number of operations in seas. It will serve fisherman community, maritime boards, ports and harbours, oil and shipping industry, coastal tourism departments, research organizations, merchant and passenger shipping agencies, enforcement and strategic agencies like coastguard, navy, marine police etc. The data is useful to identify the regions where wind driven turbines can be erected to set up wind farms. The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation had made use of the assessment of wind potential in its western offshore field. INCOIS provides the ocean state forecast along the shipping routes for the benefit of the shipping industry. The INCOIS has also developed the Online Oil Spill Advisory for forecasting the oil spill trajectories. This helps in mitigating hazards caused due to oil spills and caution local people. Similarly, the High Wave bulletins with alerts help during extreme weather conditions like cyclones.


The Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia (RIMES) was established on 30 April 2009 as an international and intergovernmental institution, owned and managed by its Member States. RIMES aim to provide regional early warning services within a multi-hazard framework for the generation and communication of early warning information, and aid in capacity building in its member states for preparedness and response to tsunami and hydro-meteorological hazards.

RIMES got evolved in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami by the combined efforts of countries in Africa and Asia. RIMES has been registered with the United Nations under Article 102 and has been supported by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA).

The 12 member states of RIMES are India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Comoros, Lao PDR, Maldives, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Seychelles, Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste and the 19 collaborating countries are Afghanistan, Armenia, Bhutan, China, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Somalia, Tanzania, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and Yemen.

About National Geoscience Award

The National Geoscience Awards was instituted by the Ministry of Mines in 1966. This award is given to honour individuals and teams of scientists for their outstanding contributions in fundamental and applied geosciences and mining & allied fields.


Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) is an autonomous body of the Ministry of Earth Sciences.

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