Nuclear Materials Security Index

Nuclear Materials Security Index has been recently released for the first time. In the first-ever index, India almost brings out the rear — just above Iran, Pakistan and North Korea. The Nuclear Materials Security Index has been compiled by a US nuclear think-tank Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). It’s a rating and ranking of the security framework in 32 nations that possess one kilogram or more of weapons-usable nuclear materials. The index is an embarrassment as India has played host to the sherpas for the nuclear security summit in New Delhi on Monday. India takes a leading position on nuclear security issues, and is also scheduled to establish a centre of excellence for nuclear security in Haryana.

The following table shows the index of some of the countries:


The above table makes it clear that India’s score is 49 which places it in average category. The three categories in the index are Above Average (Score 100-80), Average (Score 60-38) and Below Average (Score 33-0).

As per the index, the above average country has the following:

1. International Legal Commitments

2. On site Physical Protection

3. Response Capabilities

4. UNSCR 1540 Implementation

5. Control and Accounting Procedures

The Average countries had the following:

1. Voluntary commitment

2. Political stability

3. Domestic Legislations related to nuclear safety

4. Security personnel measures

All that the index hints that- we fall behind in

1. International Legal Commitments,

2. On site Physical Protection

3. UNSCR 1540 Implementation

4. Control and Accounting Procedures.

Here we have to note that United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 was adopted unanimously on April 28, 2004 regarding the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The resolution establishes the obligations under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter for all Member States to develop and enforce appropriate legal and regulatory measures against the proliferation of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons and their means of delivery, in particular, to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction to non-state actors. India had its own conservations about the issue.

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