NSA snooped on Brazilian President’s phones and email content

The secret documents disclosed by the NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden in June have revealed that NSA spied on the content of telephone calls, emails and cellphone messages of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and her key aides. The secret document mentions both Brazil and Mexico placing them in a group of nations that are being closely monitored as a “challenge” by the U.S. Headlined “Friends, Enemies, or Problems?”  The list starts with Brazil and Egypt. It shows India at number 3 and concludes with Turkey and Mexico. The document dismantles the NSA’s operation whose goal was “to improve understanding of the methods of communication and the interlocutors of the President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, and her top aides.”

What may be the impact of these revelations?

The relations between the US and Brazil have already been under stress since it came into light in July that the Americans were conducting electronic surveillance for collecting huge amount of phone and Internet data from the country’s networks. The latest revelation may further harm the ties.



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